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Rockeyes Beta 2 - -rockeyes_b2pk3 and waypoints 1.0.0

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About This File


README for Rock Eyes beta2

made by zedd 29/06/2008


* General Information

This is my first map on Enemy Territory. I've made a map for Quake 3
several years ago, not released, based on a custom map from HalfLife
(called Darn). Making this map was interesting and a great learning time
(damn T-junction bug by the way ;) ). I hope it will be good to play :)
For bugs, comments, ... send a mail at zedd.mapping@free.fr
and visit http://zedd.mapping.free.fr :)

* Technical Information

Near 9000 brushes, 1000 entities, hand made terrain.
A few custom textures, most of them are modified ones from the game.
First ideas for the map on 08/2007, first brushes on 12/2007,
first playable beta on 04/2008 (sooooo long :) ), 2nd beta on 06/2008.
Compile time : ~1 min meta, ~20 min vis, ~1h light (fast samples2 filter bounce8)
Compile machine : Athlon XP 2800+, 1Go RAM

* Changelog

25/04/2008 : beta 1, first release.
29/06/2008 : beta 2, second release.
. map size reduced on second part
. new paths from bottom base to ramp and from main base to north radar
. spawn at main base is only at one side of base
. more cover
. lots of clips added
. some aesthetic work
. ramp is now single stage
. main gate use less tois
. fixed spawn times (30s allies / 20s axis)
. ambiant sounds (sound script was missing on b1)
. etpro commandmap shader provided in a separate pk3

* Known bugs

You can get crushed by truck and the materials behind (need bigger clips ??)

* Thanks

Splash Damage - for the game and forums
Chruker - for his site http://games.chruker.dk
Tram Design - for the site http://tramdesign.planetwolfenstein.gamespy.com
2bit - for the site http://www.pythononline.co.uk/et
Hirntot Community - these guys simply rock -> http://www.hirntot.org :)

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