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santas grotto v1 2 - santas_grotto_v1_2.pk3 and waypoints 1.0.0

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About This File

"Ok soldier! Were going to the North Pole. Axis have stolen Santa's Sack and are holding it until we release their prisoners. We can't let that happen! Get through the Gates, Steal the Sack and get it back to Santas Grotto before Christmas eve!"
"Attention! Allies are sending troops here. We can only assume they want Santa's Sack. Don't let them get the sack. If we can hold them off we might be able to release the prisonners and ruin their 'Christmas' FOREVER!!!"
"Axis have taken hostage Santa's Sack and want their prisoners released and they will give the sack back. Allies will loose the war if that happens. Allies need to go through the gates and get Santa his sack back. Otherwise christmas will be ruined!"




Allied objectives

1 "Secondary Objective:
Destroy the First Gate."
2 "Secondary Objective:
Steal the Key to the Second Gate."
3 "Secondary Objective:
Open the Second gate."
4 "Secondary Objective:
Fix the Fusebox to the third Gate."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Steal Santa's Sack."
6 "Primary Objective:
Get Santa's Sack to the Grotto!"
7 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the North Pole."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the command post in Sleigh Traffic Control for quicker support."


Axis objectives

1 "Secondary Objective:
Defend the First Gate."
2 "Secondary Objective:
Protect the second gate key."
3 "Secondary Objective:
Keep Gate 2 shut."
4 "Secondary Objective:
Dont let them Fix the Third Gate."
5 "Secondary Objective:
Protect Santa's Sack."
6 "Primary Objective:
DON'T let them take Santa's Sack back to Santa!"
7 "Secondary Objective:
Don't let them capture the North Pole."
8 "Secondary Objective:
Capture the command post in Sleigh Traffic Control for quicker support."

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