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map: goldeneye_bunker1
longname: GoldenEye Bunker1

Last man standing is a winner. Map: Goldeneye bunker, version 1.
**Main objective ALLIES: Find and destroy the Axis Helicopter!
**Main objective AXIS: Protect the prototype Helicopter!
**General info: The level of activity has increased at the
old observatory complex near Severnaya. Sources once again
confirm large amount of computer hardware at that location and
an influx of skilled personnel. Photographs reveals what looks
like the development of an x-type Helicopter."



- Destroy the Axis Helicopter!

- Secure the Forward Spawn!
- If the Axis build the Flag Door, destroy it! Allies will get
permanent Forward Spawn, if you destroy the Flag Door!
- Destroy the Axis Steel Door!
- Construct a Command Post!
- Stop the Axis from constructing a Command Post!
- Destroy the Wall, for a quicker access to the Flag Room!



- Protect the Axis Helicopter!

- Secure the Forward Spawn!
- Construct and Protect the Flag Door! Do not let the Allies
destroy the Flag Door! If the Allies do that, they will get
permanent Forward Spawn!
- Protect the Axis Steel Door!
- Stop the Allies from constructing a Command Post!
- Construct a Command Post!
- Protect the Wall!

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