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About This File

// Axis Objective Descriptions

1    "Primary Objective:**Stop the Allied forces from stealing the secret war documents from the war room bunker."
2    "Primary Objective:**Prevent the Allies from transmitting the secret war docuements using any radio on the island."
3    "Secondary Objective:**Stop the Allied forces from detroying the Cannon Supply Doors and gain a fast entry to the Cannon."
4    "Secondary Objective:**Contruct the Radio Bunker Door preventing Allies from being able to transmit any documents from that radio."
5    "Primary Objective:**Defend the main cannon at all cost, prevent Allies from gaining access and blowing it up."


// Allied Objective Descriptions

1  "Primary Objective:**Steal the secret war docuemtns from the war room bunker hidden underground."
2  "Primary Objective:**Transmit the war documents at any available radio on the island."
3  "Primary Objective:**Blow up the Cannon Supply Doors for easy access to the main Cannon."
4  "Seconday Objective:**Destroy the Radio Bunker Door if constructed for easy transmission of the secret war documents."
5  "Primary Objective:**Destroy the main Cannon, this is critical for future Allied attacks!"

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