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About This File

The germans has built a laboratory in an old mine since they discovered a copper-carbon based superconductor with the molar mass 666g/mol**The mineral offers exceptional magnetic features and this is now used in an anti aircraft prototype gun. It can launch time fused shell at 2 mach. this makes the gun extremely hard to avoid as pilot. The allies must destoy the prototype and transmitt the documentation.


*The allies have to steal a key and unlock a gate
*Then destroy an anti tank pak75 gun
*The tank will then enter the map from the forest and will require escortation to the minelabs
*Once the tank reaches the minelabs it will create an entrence and the allies will be able to destroy the prototype and transmitt the documentation.

Changelog since alpha 3 fix:
*The gate that previously gave the axis instant acces to the delivery point of the key in the first stage of the map is now closed until the key is delivered forcing the axis to either take a longer route or push through the commanders room where the key is found in order to stack on the delivery point. this will make teamwork and communication more vital in the first stage.
*An opel blitz with mg42 is added outside the forest route near the headquarters to give axis more control of the middle hill in the first stage.
*The compound where the ammunition supply is has been mirrored and turned to increase the distance that the axis have to travel to the anti tank gun, this will make it easier for allied field ops to prevent the axis from defusing the dynamite once it's planted (using air strikes). furthermore a tunnel has been added to give the allies a protected route to capture the ammunition supply in the second stage as well as to sabotage the axis commandpost.
*Once the tank reaches the house with the commandpost the axis can no longer spawn in the commandpost house no matter if they have constructed it or not.
*The clip of the tank is now correct and custom command voices is now added, proudly recorded and created by Finn and Fabi.



Edited by papywolf
I forgot the image of the map

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