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ddd banned on tm main server


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Hi guys, 

A player reached out to me on discord called 'ddd' he had this to say

ddd331 — Today at 10:56
i got banned previously coz of ddd coz i  play 1 v 1 and 3 o 3
with this name
sometimes i forget to renmae
so i took the ban okay np
but later i changed my name to flex
and i got banned without any warn for a year
how is that fair

fratske — Today at 10:56
doesnt seem fair

ddd331 — Today at 10:57
i have been banned just coz i connected as 'ddd'
obv i play 3 o 3 with that name
and whiole im trying to rename

ddd331 — Today at 10:57
before i could i got banned

ddd331 — Today at 10:57
i had a go with the guy who banned me previously while i was gonna rename myself
and then when i used flex
i abused him on discord privately and rightly so man
its tilting
im getting bans for no reasons...
this guy baned me for a year
this jessica guy


can jessica or someone else that knows something about it clarify what happened?

Edited by fratske
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@fratske It is very kind of you to make this topic for him.

I think it is better for ddd to make a topic, so we can look into it, without you be the middle-man.

I have checked his chat history, and trust me : You don't want to be in the middle of this, where he is obvious lying to you.
He has have lots of warnings, he used lots of names, and get several warning for it and he reacted like this :





Edited by Jessica
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