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[Read Me] How to spec somebody!!!


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How to spec somebody without being compromised!!

1: If your not know as somebody that not goes spec every 2 minutes then don't just go spec without saying something!!!!!!

say something like " i am back in 5 minutes"

2: Order

- FIRST get the DEMO of the player you suspect (follow a player with the command /follow (slot or name player))
- After demo get the USER INFO with the command !userinfo (name player or slot)
If you not wanna get compromised ask another TM member to take it :-)
Demos without infos are more troublesome and sometimes even useless. (Remember there are many ETplayers not only one)


- TAKE a DEMO longer then 15 SEC, its best to take about 10 min of demo or whole map in time they will screw up
- Post the demo AND user info on the forum and tell us which mod. With the name of the player as topic name.

And always keep in mind that not every good player cheat. :)Also, it would greatly help if you would point out the exact times where you suspect cheat.

if you agree with something or wanna add
please post it

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just wanted to let you guys know, some hacks have an addon that will let you notice who is spectating you.

(I read up on new hacks, so I can catch them easier).

So it might be hard to catch some of them, just try to keep on changing, so the hacker will eventually think you're just passing by him and spectating someone else.

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  • 3 months later...

Just don't go spec right after a suspicious player kills you, no need to say anything, but do it on a moment where the suspicious player is nowhere near you. He probably won't even notice. A lot of hacks show (or even disable themselves) when theyre being specced.

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  • 5 months later...

Can someone tell me how to see players behind walls when watching demo? i forgot the command and it's important when tryin to catch wallhacker :D

edit: Nevermind i found it. When watching demo use /r_shownormals 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

Also some players do /serverstatus on console every now and then if they suspect someone is speccin em so if u spec suspicious player and he stops u might wanna spec someone else for 10 sec or so cause he might be doing the /serverstatus and see if anyone is spectatin :D

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  • 1 year later...

Bumping here also.


After looking some demos, i saw that some members were talking about a cheater on the PUBLIC CHAT while speccing and recording!

Do NOT do this in the future, or you scare the cheaters away!

Luckily the cheater was dumb enough to not be able to turn all cheats off.


Members should be able to do !userinfo via teamchat and fireteamchat (buttons y and u by default) and (maybe?) via clanchat also (/mc !userinfo x).


As said above, use private chat with other members if you suspect someone and call an admin asap to take a look.

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  • 6 months later...

Members should be able to do !userinfo via teamchat and fireteamchat (buttons y and u by default) and (maybe?) via clanchat also (/mc !userinfo x).

Doesn't work, tried it several times

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