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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2015 in Posts

  1. Not sure if i have put this in the right place but this is where its going since xfire has now fianly shutdown i remember i used a program called ET Starter Pro all the time to connect to my et servers .. http://etconfig.net/et_downloads/et_starter_pro/ download the link and install to your pc .. once you have done that you must run as admin .. otherswise you will have some complications in conecting .. et will ask u for a path to your ET.exe .. which i just simply found in your et folder .. on the main screen, click Menu at the top left .. click Tools .. then options .. when the next tab open click on Servers and then you can add and remove servers to be able to join on through ET Starter Pro .. The program comes with all patch's so when u add the server and ready to join .. find you server .. select correct patch .. then click on patch and connect .. easy what i must say tho is this .. MAKE SURE THAT THE DELETE ETKEY TAB IS UNTICKED !!! i will lose yout etkey if ticked and lose ir admin xp etc etc ... ( might be as wise to make multiple copies of you et key just to make sure ) hope this helps for some of you Please note this only works with the mods below (wounder if our tech guys are able to add mods to it or if we can add them ourselfs and tell us ?): etpro etmain etpub shrubet jaymod added - so it turns out if u click on menu ... tools .. serverbrowse .. you are able to manual search for servers and then add them to your favs .. this will then allow you to join selected server
    2 points
  2. /connect etpub.teammuppet.com is all I need . Thx for posting this, I might try it one day.
    1 point
  3. Hello, people of TM. After reading winnie's post, I realised that I've never actually done one of these even though I've been on the forum and played on the server for like... Two years. There isn't much to know about me really. I'm 22, from south London and right now living the thug lifestyle of unemployment. Though not for long. Until recently, I was more of a TJ'er than a fragger, and rarely spoke to anyone when I did frag but I guess that may change? When I'm not no-lifing on ET I watch more anime than any person probably should and read way too much manga but yolo. I'm also a writer, (two books completed) and really like to draw manga style drawings. I would share, but they're quite x-rated. Having a lot of brothers ruined my innocent brain. So far everyone has been very nice and friendly to me, so thanks. Shoutout to Dantz for his ridiculously chilled out voice on ts. And to winnie for just, well, being him. Mud was the first person to actually ever speak to me on frag server so ty for that, and thanks freak for being so welcoming. (happy birthday.) Also, shoutout to the fellow chick playaz. #swag I'm on your ts quite often so see you there. Or on here. Or the server. Whatever.
    1 point
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