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Showing content with the highest reputation since 06/27/2024 in all areas

  1. Hey there, I'm the brain dead slob that kicked you the second time. Nice to meet you. I kicked you for ignoring a warning then team killing 2 people, including myself. Your first kick was for teamkilling too I believe. This sure escalated quickly, but if you don't need any of us and don't depend on the server like you say, then you won't mind the cheeky little ban I just gave you. Have a nice life sweetheart ❤️
    12 points
  2. As follows, to the dirty admin who kicked DonnieDarko: while I'm sitting in the corner as mortar, the player twaron, who I've also seen for the first time on the server today since I've been playing there, comes up to me from the side for no reason and does a team kill, shoots away the entire life bar on purpose, turns around and runs away. Completely intentional and no apology (ingame voice sorry) or any other information about what that means. and to top it off for the antisocial piece of shit, I get kicked off the server!!! because I think to myself, if that's okay, then I can just shoot him away for no reason if he can do that too. I don't know who gave you brain-dead slob admin rights, you little son of a bitch, but you can do that to your fat cheeseburger-eating mother, you bastard, store that deep in your brain. learn how to deal with admin rights and respect you miserable, perverted, stinking son of a bitch. I don't give a damn if the Chernobyl victim Twaron cries on Discord or somewhere else and is your friend, it happened as I wrote, so he should be kicked off the server and not me. And I don't need any of you and I don't depend on the server either. Nevertheless, disrespectful rubbish is fought with disrespectful rubbish. So Twaron and the pro admin please realize that you are sons of bitches, if I haven't mentioned it yet, fat sons of bitches whose wives won't let you near them anymore and that's why you're making a fuss online, you little deformed filthy children.
    6 points
  3. Sometmes i want to stab, shoot and blew up those sloths slowly leaving and blocking the spawn, but... kicking player for being a sloth? Lul You would need to kick half of the server if that is the case...
    4 points
  4. hello , I'm fratske and would like to join TeamMuppet Real name: Benjamin Name in-game: fratske Age: 32 Where are you from (Country): Belgium Server you play on: mostly beginners server Been in any other clan (please name): inspiron, genuine, very first clan was Wodanfire "=WF=" etpub 2.55 Why you are not in that clan anymore: most players stopped playing , like myself, took a very long break 5+ years. Started playing again around a month ago Who invited you to join: Goldfinger Other games you play: elden ring, rimworld, RDR2 Reason why you want to join: i talked to a couple of ppl of the clan already and they are very cool and fun to play with, also like to be part of a community and maybe i get the chance to play some competitive matches again Tell us about yourself: I work as painter in construction for 15 years now, my hobbies are working out, music, go out with friends and gaming ofcourse :p
    4 points
  5. I feel like the same maps are voted all the time for example supply, braundord, goldrush and delivery. Those maps are great and I have nothing against them. Is there a way to only vote new or less played maps after same maps have been played many times? For example today's voting list expectionally looked like this: Mlb temple Oasi Warbell Italy Fragginhart canyon Capuzzo Minas Helmsdeep Battery Library It would be cool to have similar maps to be voted so less played maps have to be played at some point.
    3 points
  6. Yeah, there is a timer for people that are afk and will automatically be moved to specs after the timer runs out. So, yes, there was no logical reason to kick dundee. If he was afk he would've been moved to specs anyway. It was pointless to kick him.
    3 points
  7. Maps added Fuel dump_uvf, Rommel and UJE Italy
    3 points
  8. Modified minMapAge from 13 to 15, let's see if it helps to enhance maps diversity
    2 points
  9. Going through chatlogs, it appears to be a pure troll. Banned.
    2 points
  10. Hey, Disguised Dundee here (now known as Kangaroo Dundee, because your server has friendly fire on!). Glad to see that ET is still alive and your server definitely is the best out there! I love legacy! I'm from Estonia and in mid 30's, been playing ET on and off since 2003, although mostly jaymod and etpub, took some long breaks between 2012-2020. Back in the day I was into trickjumping (gammajumps) and map making (small 1on1 maps), now just occasionally fragging. Most likely will keep playing the game as long as it exists. Makes me wonder, how long will it keep going 😀 I'm a crazy player who loves playing often with sten and experimenting with inverted mouse, because it's just so crazy ha-ha-ha! For now mostly medic camping as I'm not so used to legacy mod. See you in game!
    2 points
  11. This might just be the best complaint ive ever seen😆 Keep it up, Donnie!
    2 points
  12. Hi lezk, I just send you a PM is forum with his info and all his names
    1 point
  13. hehe nice one txrki - is there any chance you guy's can share his userinfo with me? i joined TM discord (name: lezk) if possible send me a pm. just in case he try to do some mischief on our server under different name.
    1 point
  14. this is good point, script the ties to less popular maps
    1 point
  15. Personally I like the small maps. I am one of those people who will always vote for maps like Braundorf, Adlernest, Special Delivery or Erdenberg regardless of numbers. I enjoy the constant action, not necessarily the spam fest so much but it is a price I'm willing to pay for a fun game. I dislike maps where most of your time is wasted running to the objective. On bigger maps you will find yourself running to the objective for a minute, then find the first enemy and die. I find this boring.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Heyhey and welcome on board
    1 point
  18. I feel like you are focusing on the problem of blocking exits only. Granted, if people can't collide then this would solve that quite easily. But it solves a problem that normally shouldn't even be an issue. In return it creates a bunch of problems that affect gameplay - specifically any enemy activity near spawns. It would become a mess as a whole. Certainly nothing of the kind should be implemented any further than spawn area in any case.
    1 point
  19. Jebus. If you take this to a real world then its an accurate overview of how road rage driver's logic works and how the brain starts making 'decisions'. Haven't even seen express escalators to escalate things this quickly.
    1 point
  20. I think the solution to the "blocking spawn" nonsense is to disable collision. Day of Defeat source does it and they never have an issue of congested spawn areas. Here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/240/discussions/0/35221584441279257/ "There is a plugin that will disabe the team collisions. It is named as "No Block". Many such cases: "[CS:S] Don't Collide with Teammates only" https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=210925
    1 point
  21. Hello welcome to the forums
    1 point
  22. @Dundee I'm aware of all that. Every spawn there is someone afk doing something. The difference was, you seemed AFK every single spawn. Because unlike everyone else moving to get out, you just stand still. It wasn't once or a couple of times, it was every map I played with you on different days. And after moving you to spec, after DM'ing you asking to move, you were still doing it every time
    1 point
  23. The map selection is really good. Yes, it seems that some maps, areas (spawns) are not designed for 20+/- players. I never thought about the 1-2 sec afk guys as being so problematic as it seems to be something that is inevitable. There is always somebody afk/standing still, every match. I just run past them and exit the spawn. Obviously the valuable seconds can lead to a defeat but what can you do? I think it is impossible to achieve "perfect clockwork" effect in a big public server. Nevertheless you should always do your best and not annoy others. There will always be people who are slow, sloths, some sending PM's or typing something in the public chat, leading to 1-2-3 seconds afk. For instance, there are also old people playing this game who can be very slow. In their late 60's, people who started playing ET in their 40's 50's. There are also newcomers in the game who don't have a clue at all, confused about everything, and doing something weird. Maybe some are looking into the limbo menu, examining the command map or whatever information is in there, being afk a little. Some are not even using shift to run. There can be moments when you change your class, spawn point in the limbo menu, then again you are afk for a few seconds, situational moments. A server like this is a very diverse environment. Made of players who are very serious about the objective, doing their best, to those who just play for stats, and some who are slow, weird.
    1 point
  24. Hi I'm Maman , my name is Christophe ,I'm old I play RTCW and ET in Beta 2002. I have a rather nervous temperament. I was banned several times because of this. I love this game. I'm Mute in the server and I prefer it So I can't apologize for the TK I hope to see you on the server. GL&HF ❤️
    1 point
  25. If you think you can win an argument or something you disagree with this mindset, well I suppose life will have a lot of surprises for you in the future ^^
    1 point
  26. Hello and welcome !
    1 point
  27. most of those maps you suggest i havent played in 10+ years so i'm all for it!
    1 point
  28. Welcome and good luck, recruiter will reply soon
    1 point
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