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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2015 in Posts

  1. As everyone knows Teammuppet has some rules regarding spawnkilling on our servers. Take make it clear to everyone we have made up a simple but clear overview of what is and is not allowed. Fixed (normal) spawns Spawnkill on fixed spawns in not allowed, with any kind of weapons, on our servers. This includes spawncamping at the spawnexits. There is no legit reason in which you are allowed to spawnkill other players. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Capturable flag/spawn Spawnkilling at capturable flag/spawn is allowed. The only weapon which is not allowed at capturable flags/spawns are mortars. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Command post Spawnkilling at command posts is allowed. The only weapon which is not allowed at command posts are mortars. As a note, mortaring near an spawnexit is also not allowed! Spawnpassing On some maps running through a spawn is a strategic way to get to the objectives. Therefor spawnpassing is allowed. As soon as you get shot at you are allowed to defend yourself by shooting back. This is ONLY allowed with light weapons as thompson, mp40, pistols, carbine, sniper. Any form of grenades and heavy weapons is not allowed! As the rules regarding spawnkilling is clear above we expect everyone to follow these rules. As this clear explination is being released a lot of players might not be aware of this update. Please refer players to the forums regarding the spawnkill rules so that everyone gets to know them a.s.a.p. Happy fragging! Regards, Admin team
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