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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. looks nice..
  2. i think i added you bomba.. check it..
  3. Arent there any people on that? Only ive got in it are mr and minimuppet winston and virus..
  4. maybe to... but it looks just more oranized... i think..
  5. only 6 votes... are that all the active members we got left ?
  6. when i needed to reinstall ET few weeks ago.. i did it first with all in 1 installer.. well wont ever do it again... it just sucks.. i couldnt test my maps wich i was making.. and playing was to laggy..
  7. nope.. i dont... (ps. im not at home this week.. so i wont be online on the server)
  8. yep.. still the same.. cant hit them good.. when i aim on the head.. dont get a hit at all..
  9. and do you know how virus ?
  10. agree with this..
  11. sorry.. but this sucks.. NQ with sniper isnt good.. gave it a try... but with a sniper on NQ you just cant hit.. at least.. i tried and tried.. an only 1 hit.. maybe jaymod or pro or some on it ?
  12. voted yes ofcourse...
  13. i know many people have been talking about this.. but i have a idea.. thought of it while i was playing.. here on the forum this is it: member > green member lvl2 > yellow admin bla bla....... so i was thinking: TM Members on the servers: Member > <=TM=> Member lvl2 <=TM=> etc etc... what do you guys think of it ? i think its funny and you know who is wich lvl..
  14. here is the way its got to be done.. http://www.pythononline.co.uk/et/tutorial35.htm
  15. yes... /generatetracemap but then you get just a print of the map.. with that thingy you have to make your commandmap
  16. agree... brazil played worse to.. only germany was pretty good.. they won 4-0 well deserved
  17. no not.. but looks nice to have a new mod again..
  18. if holland play all the games like they did against denmark.. they wont come even close to the finals
  19. [quote name=<=TM=>Donald]And not denmark we play badly vs holland badly.. well no... they played excellent nice header from that bold one (poulsen or wth his name was )
  20. wich other ? the one of the previous map (tm desert) i made with paint shop pro...
  21. no cause after downloading something like that (i tried) you have to insert some kinda serials.. tried it many ways.. but cant get past it.. To bad the makers of it found a way so you cant reinstall it.. i deleted everything of it... and reinstalled it.. but keeps saying my trial is over well i want it lik a normal command map.. like 1 of fueldump or oasis or something.. if your handy.. this is of its got to be done:
  22. you mean that lvl 1 right ? i thought the name of the lvl was Regular Player (on the old jaymod)
  23. What is the map cycle now? I have a suggestion for a nice map.. (only dont know if their is any waypoint for it) Over The Top, Baserace Beta2 (like i said earlier) Lighthous (thought it was always fun) mlb_egypt mlb_temple venice rc2 (funnier version of venice i think..) dont know lots of other maps.. maybe fun to try out some ? just a idea for the new server..
  24. we want to make the clan more populair right ? but if im right.. we now have 4 servers... 2x NQ, ETpub and Jaymod... to me its just to confusing.. cause you dont now where to play on to see other people.. i think the best is to keep only 2.. a Jaymod and a ETpro or pub.. so the chances are bigger to meet other people.. and put more energie in thos servers... cause there are nearly human players on the server now.. i just dont think its fun playing alone on a server with bots.. + its maybe more fun that someones online to give regular players admin lvl 1.. like there used to be on the old jaymod.. its all just a thought.. cause i dont think its fun anymore against the bots.. and why dont put off pb on the servers.. of course the chance of having cheaters is bigger.. but with active members it should not be a problem right ?
  25. Yep, I try and copy all the xpsave and admin files that we have over to the new servers. I dont have baserace beta 2 but I'm sure I can find and add it. http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefr ... Race;34615
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