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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. thnx all ... yeah finally 16
  2. one more question.. can the jaymode screen in the news site be replaced by the ETpro screen ?
  3. had a lot of fun there.. shall miss it.. hope the fun keeps going on NQ.. btw.. song is a good match for this situation..
  4. puppet is that guy poland right ? werent they online few weeks ago at the same time ?
  5. ok.. so its: TEAM A <=TM=>Virus <=TM=>miraro3 TEAM B <=TM=>Anthony <=TM=>BOMBA TEAM C <=TM=>MrMuppet <=TM=>MiniMuppet
  6. yesterday he also said to me that he was a TM-member.. known as <=TM=>Xeno.. it was like a year go.. but his computer crashed... and then he had trouble finding the servers back or something..
  7. and is there any progress ? if i can do something to help ill hear it.. like making a list of thos who arent onling in a long time (checking by splatterladder) or something..
  8. maybe its handy to first make some teams... im mostly availible in the midweek... evening.. who wants to be in my team? <<< I SUCK >>>
  9. oh yea.. thats what i mean.. 5 or 6 a team.. so 10 or 12..
  10. does the cfg automaticly change ? or does it need to be set by yourself ? never changed it.. doe dont now what it does..
  11. is it right that only CoDFaction is showing TM banners ? the others are bit empty or is it just my pc ?
  12. i dont know much about the skins.. but isnt there some kinda skin like in CoD? that grass camouflage ? and some other new skins for the rest ? to give the server some new looks ? and add some new sounds ?
  13. the bots are on 16 now.. but i think 5 or 6 is better.. cause i think it scares people off now.. people think its to hard now.. i like it though.. but some times i was playing... some people complained about the hardness from the bots at 4 bots.. its just a thought..
  14. when is this going to be set up ? cause i like to do a match.. and about the server... i dont mind.. ETPro or NQ.. its all the same
  15. i also checked out splatterladder.. there are many that arent online for ages... and some who play more on other servers.. so alot to do for you
  16. maybe this song for bomba
  17. that is what i mean.. make an server quest adminlvl again as on jaymod.. people like you.. who come to the server for fun.. get that admin.. @ minimuppet.. if i would have some more knowledge about sites and stuff i would like to.. but im not into that so much.. what i should do.. is send every member an news letter with the information that if dont join the server anymore they will be cleaned off the member list.. and then of course in it.. that they are welcom any time to play.. like winston said.. you got more on a little clan with active players then having like 44 members (I saw on splatterladder) that dont ever come to the server.. if i could do something for any of this.. let me know.. ill try to help.. but it would be a shame if noone does something.. and the clan would slowly die after loosing jaymod.. cause i think that would happend..
  18. i dont care wich team.. but only if the date is good... and we will have fun.. isnt there some kinda way to make some sort of link for it ? wherre you get to a site and you can arrange a date or something ? like... if i want a match.. ill click ''TM Cup'' then i can pick a date and put it on it.. then others can join that date for a cup ? or is this a stupid idea ?
  19. hey guys.. i was wundering.. there arent many people online atm.. so i was thinking.. like everyone can join tm.. being online few days.. get admin.. and off they go.. but how to make it like... for those who want to be and TM-member have to be online once a week.. or 2weeks or something.. if they dont they get back to admin lvl 1 or something.. maybe we can keep some active members that way.. cause this way TM is only loosing members.. its a shame.. cause its a good clan.. but stuff gets behind here.. even when i check out the member list.. there comes an list with many members.. only i have nearly seen a quarter of it.. i understand some people cant get online everyday.. or week.. but come on.. once in 2 weeks must be possible right ? i think when JayMod i gone next week.. then its getting really quiet in here.. its only my 2 cents.. i want you guys to help keeping TM up.. and how about some kinda scout or something who checks out some other servers and get clanless people to TM? well ill see how others think about it...
  20. till he gets online ? you have to come online to though ;-) But i voted for 2vs2.. sounds best to me.. but it depands when its gonna be played.. cause im not always available..
  21. what happend with the NQ server.. its offline ?
  22. phyton is fine indeed.. but splash is handy to.. i did the most with phyton and advice from virus
  23. is it ok to you to take some wierd swimming lessons ?
  24. maybe then this tag : TM| or not ?
  25. i like these tags only.. i think it looks better if everyone had the same colour...
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