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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. without eating and drinking ? yesterday someone called quasimodo was online.. he was a good player.. no complaining etc.. i asked him why he didnt become member.. he said he will subscribe when he played 30 hours on the server.. a m8 if him joined to.. smokee or something it was.. i think.. there were 3 more guys.. - foxane - wotan - ........(GER) (dont know the name anymore.. only remind the GER at the back of the name but i where talking to them but they didnt respond at all.. but i will try to get more people to the server..
  2. i agree with miki i get bored to with many bots as are on today.. got lots of lags.. and we do indeed need new blood.. somebody asked the players who are on much to join? if i see another i will ask if they want to join.. and that they got to e-mail donald or mir..
  3. glad to hear that.. what was the solution?
  4. damn.. i understand your point donald.. but i love the JM server more then the NQ.. but like i said... i understand.. its all yours.. so its your choice
  5. hey miki got it fixed ? or... do you only have it on the NQ server ?
  6. I'm thinking of buying this game.. Anyone here plays it ? And how is it on the PC? I've played a few time on a x-box from a friend... And i have to say it is very nice to play.. only i suck very hard on the xbox.. just cant handle the controllers
  7. i mean.. when i download the files.. it is a .rar file.. when i unpack it there are lots of maps and files.. But non of it is a .pk3 file.. So what do i do wrong? or do at all..
  8. i thought so to.. but i dont get a .pk3 file with it ? HELP HELP HELP !?
  9. ok.. ill try.. So go to the link from mrmuppet.. download the maps.. And put them in ETmain ?
  10. i know its long time ago that someone posted something in here.. But i want to share my car history with you guys. im 22 and had about 4 or 5 cars.. My first car was a Mitsubishi Eclipse Second car next to the Eclipse a MINI (for 4 weeks or something then sold him again) Third car was a Volkswagen Golf 5 Then bought a Volkswagen Golf 1 Oldtimer for fun and give it a new paintjob and stuff.. And now i drive for the daily a Volkswagen Caddy (little van thingy) And still got the VW Golf 1 Cabrio for the nice weathers
  11. Didnt knew where to put it.. But how about to make a new memberlist somewhere on the forum. Cause if i click on the button ''Members'' above the forum screen then i see lots of names. But many many names ive never seen !? And then the list like Admin 9: <=TM=>Donald <=TM=>winstonsmith Admin 7: <=TM=>miraro3 etc etc. so that new members can see who's a member and who is not and just using the TM tags !? Maybe my idea sucks.. but i like it
  12. but how do you change you crosshair in that ?
  13. Hey people. I didnt post very much in here (nearly nothing ) But i was wondering. Are those maps @ jaymod server all there is ? Cause maybe its nice to add some new maps (dont know if its possible with the bots) and another thing I liked it much more with the 12 bots in stead of 20. 20 is to much @ some maps And euh.. miraro said some activety @ the forum would be nice.. so i will brainstorm some.. so there comes more
  14. problem solved.. how? i dont know.. i just started ET again.. And no error anymore.. Now i hope it wont come back
  15. i really do need help.. im getting sick en tired of it.. if done the following thing: Updated PB (doesnt work) Reinstalled everything 2 times with patched 2.60 and 2.60b (doenst work) Firewall setting changed (doesnt work) And some other things.. but nothing works never had this problem before.. this morning everything did fine.. now im going crazy and get kicked like every 5 min..
  16. Hallo, I am Dion *2e name Anthony And i would really like to join this clan. I play alot on your server with great members i would like to hear from you all!
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