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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. i totally agree with you winston.. thnx allot donald and yes.. i hope there will be more players on NQ now.. cause of 1 server less.. we cant drop this wonderfull clan.. ill be there for sure..
  2. im very often on NQ now.. nearly playing on JM
  3. but as what do you think then ?? *TM* {TM} [TM] <TM> #TM# TM/ TM# only tag of thos i would like is the first one.. but i just like <=TM=> the most.. and smowkee... share some of your ideas.. so maybe we also think you right about changing..
  4. yeah i was thinking.. i had an admin lvl first... but i had that problem when i had to re-install ET.. that's why i lost it never mind then
  5. why is voting for maps disabled in the NQ server?
  6. but why dont you want it to look like BH ? i mean.. if you want something unique.. you really got to brainstorm.. cause nearly every kinda combo i used by some clan... only thing i would like to change about the tag.. is the colour.. that everybody has the same colour.. so it looks like a team
  7. open your eyes =BO= Destiny 16 Game Admin 11-16-2008 Belgium =BO= Inventive 18 Member 11-21-2009 Netherlands only the third one i cant find
  8. i have to see this practice... i wonder what will happend as soon as JM server is gone.. how many will play still on NQ.. NQ is maybe not excactly like ETPRO... but you learn much more there.. but i never see anyone there.. today we played and have fune with 4 on there.. i have to say.. ik like NQ more then JM.. but the sad thing is.. there is nearly nobody there.. and i wonder.. how long is it xp-save btw... and adminlvl... how long does that stay? cause we were on today... and nobody had an adminlvl there.. but im getting of the point of practice.. let all just come more often to NQ its a good practice to start with.. i wont be much on the JM anymore.. so you will find me often on the NQ
  9. i think is to boring? winston.. you could think of a new name a shorter one
  10. i like this tag i dunno what else it could be
  11. damn.. that's to bad.. hope everyone comes and play on our nq server... i like nq..
  12. yes i saw him.. he still likes to join.. but he had some problems with his computer he said.. but he would be online more now.. (sorry.. i forgot to post)
  13. wich waypoint dont we have?
  14. i know i know.. but you need waypoints for the bots.. otherwise they wont move :S
  15. Map Rotation 1. Railgun info - (no DL needed.. map is in standard game install) 2. Venice info - Dowload Map 3. Industry2 info - Dowload Map 4. UJE_tank_escort info - Dowload Map 5. UJE_00 info - Dowload Map 6. Italyfp2 info - Dowload Map 7. MLB-Hotchkiss info - Dowload Map 8. SuperGoldrush Final info - Dowload Map 9. Caen2 info - Dowload Map 10. Battery_recharged info - Dowload Map 11. Nightmare info - Dowload Map 12. Beer Run info - Dowload Map 13. MLB-Egypt info - Dowload Map 14. Braundorf B4 info - Dowload Map 15. MLB-Bayraid info - Dowload Map 16. MLB-Temple info - Dowload Map 17. ET Ice info - Dowload Map 18. Supply Depot 3 info - Dowload Map 19. 1944 Nordwind info - Dowload Map 20. Oasis info - (no DL needed.. map is in standard game install) 21. Falcon 2 info - Dowload Map 22. Mountain Assault info - Dowload Map 23. Warbell info - Dowload Map 24. Tramfight Beta 2 info - Dowload Map 25. MLB-Daybreak info - Dowload Map 26. Baserace info - Dowload Map This is the list of maps they got.. personely i think MBL_egypt is a fun map the baserace is a other version of ours.. but if there are some maps.. let me know.. they will send me the waypoints...
  16. No miraro you are mostly right.. i would like to play.. but sunday is not a good day.. you could set me as reserve.. but i dont promise anything..
  17. mostly this one is for the leaders.. i wont lie and i know you dont like if members are playing on other servers.. but this afternoon i got really bored.. and found a server called [DY]Dutchy or something.. this server runs on jaymod 2.1.7 to.. and they got bots runniing on much more maps then are jaymod.. shall i try to find someone on there side or something if they could send waypoints? i ask this cause i dont want no trouble and i like TM.. and dont want you to think im going to leave TM or somehing But just thought it would be a good idea to get some new maps !?
  18. i know there are some of you that cant use the jaymod menu anymore like me.. so no throwing knifes.. to solve this bring down the console and type ''/bind MOUSE2 +attack2'' and you can throw knife again.. at least.. i can
  19. image doesnt work here
  20. if have it right.. its a kinda friend of quasimodo and the father in law of smowkee hes a nice player
  21. http://www.omni-bot.de/e107/e107_plugins/waypointer/waypointer.php?func=5 are these the right waypoints ? arent there any fun maps for us in that list ?
  22. sorry for asking.. but i dont know that much about it.. but isnt it possible to change the version ?
  23. and donald.. already have an idea what its gonna be ? it looks like there is some more activity at the moment.. maybe another few fun maps.. like cortex_who or something.. i dont know if there is a waypoint for the map..
  24. Anthony


    lol winston wich one did you use to translate ? i know my english is bad.. but your dutch really sucks
  25. yes i heard.. but is he on the JM server often ? never saw him..
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