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Everything posted by Lord_Khaine

  1. I voteed for 3v3. i can make it and put me on any team im not picky.
  2. what is the Etpro Ip address? Im little confused :think:
  3. I like the tags as they are.
  4. Virus, tried it and still have problem.
  5. Now i thinking it might be my sound card but wont know until my birthday whan i have enough money.
  6. Yes only when Im playing ET. The background sound buffed. it seems to buffeding when greandes and air strikes go off. I have download the et all in istaller both time the sound has been bad.
  7. Im in. I still have sound issues but can play.
  8. Happy Birthday MrMuppet :occasion-birthdaymulticolor: :happy-wavemulticolor: :happy-bouncycyan:
  9. I tryed to download Patch 2.60b and said missing some files. And NQ is does not work. It mean i need a New Copy of game. So if you know how get one let me know.
  10. I'm have issues with my ET, so i may not be there. The latest patch will not load. I think my ET corrputed or something else is have issues. If you guys know how to fix problem let know by PM. Thanks Khaine
  11. Welcome Blade, I hope will enjoy the server and the forum as well. As for you joining our merry band of players good luck.
  12. Miki I wloud love to do just that, but got to work for a living.
  13. Do play on ya'lls site but when i do play there as been no one on. Mind you your 8 hours ahead. so when i wake you going to sleep. It is hrad to play when I just waking up. the time is 11:15 am PST. Will try to get some play time soon.
  14. Hey Miraro3, what is the IP address to Braveheart, I wlould like to check them out.
  15. IF you like I can make it to this match up. When and where info please.
  16. Hi Quas. Welcome.
  17. I'm in on this Sunday.
  18. Hi Cave. welcome to TM, hope you fun and kick some but along the way.
  19. Issue for me is I can't run NQ. my computer will not run it(i have downloaded NQ four or five time and still no go). I have been playing on Noob City server for some time(I keeped the honour of the clan intacted). The time I've been on there is only Bots mind you I lave on the west coast of United States. The sever is 8 hours head of me. So if guys can help me get a better copy of NQ that would help a lot.
  20. Very funny Winston LOL
  21. I xmas big in the US. I do most of my shopping on Black Friday(biggest shopping day of the year in the US. ).
  22. I'm 38, have a wife. semi-retired.
  23. I live in Santa Clara, Ca, USA about 60km(45miles) south of San Francisco.
  24. Thanks I will do you proud or suck real bad.
  25. HI all This is Khaine, Was chatting with you earlyer and if i wanted join. I have playing ET for while now. I love your site. I also play tabltop wargames like; Flames of War Warmachine Hordes 40k WFB Uncharted Seas Just to name a few.
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