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Everything posted by Ibex

  1. Newness Manufacturer: Custom Processor: Dual Core 2.5GHz E5200 Memory: 2MB RAM Hard Drive: 200 GB Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 710 / nForce 630i Monitor: Hanns.G HG191A 19" Sound Card: Realtek Speakers/Headphones: Acer Front AudioTech Surround Sound 5.1 Keyboard: Logitech Wireless Mouse: Logitech Wireless Mouse Surface: nothing Operating System: Windows XP Home
  2. but ibex is now active yet again
  3. oh no i aint given up defending puppet, i know he didnt do this, he is NOT capable of doing this kinda of stuff, i was talking to him about hacking the other day and i swear if i was sitting next to him his jaw would be on the floor so just drop the whole fucking thing about puppet, IT WAS NOT HIM! Simple. Ok your turn FLAME ME! lool
  4. Ibex


    well ok im not going to say anything cause my opinion aint important all im saying is, im leaving TM, NOT becuase of puppet becuase i have no time for ET anymore when i have a server running GCSE's and more but i may come on the server now and then
  5. lmao no really i have not if you saw my performance the other night then ye well that explains it all
  6. hehe I OWN UR SITE loool and ye i been off ET for like 2 weeks beat that!!
  7. oh sorry HAPPY B-DAY!
  8. happy birthday, have a nice one
  9. lol i use http://www.imageshack.us
  10. oh that sounds great i love sniping
  11. 2-3 a month
  12. lol mines made woot woot
  13. Ibex


    lol this can be changed in the Options > System lol
  14. lol thanks im making new movie some time this week
  15. Woot Woot what you think?
  16. hehe mine will be ready tonight mine is fun! THE LONE MUPPETS!
  17. Hey Read here http://www.rydeath.com/movietut/
  18. Ok this is saying that you need to run a server on your pc with the omnibot mod running on it, then in the ET Console type cg_omnibotdrawing 1, but also this is saying it CANT run on dedicated servers only listening servers. So in other words the waypointing can only be done locally and then added to the dedicated server.
  19. i just usually search Photoshop Tutorials in google always gets good ones
  20. Ibex


    what you think?! btw if any of u want sigs then post a background pic and ill make one
  21. its made up of three layers the background layer has a slight tint and lets you see grey, but also has a pattern on it that is made up of blue squares. when highlighted the blue pattern covers up the original picture and makes the hidden layer visible! now tell me thats not clever!
  22. lmao ill give u an example,(MUST BE USING IE)
  23. Omg i just found out about Hidden Images today there so fun. 2 images in one and u highlight it and the other image appears so fun ive been making them all day lol anyone good at making them? *cough*PUPPET*cough*
  24. impossible to play it atm its gone underground for big developments!
  25. woot woot Mozilla Thunderbird FTW all ma site emails now come through thunderbird
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