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Everything posted by Ibex

  1. just copy the logos rename em and upload then to the style dictionary
  2. Ibex


    happy birthday mate have a good one
  3. I found this on youtube and it made me laugh so much! also you can find millions more of these videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ImprovEverywhere the best is times square!
  4. Manufacturer: Custom Processor: Pentium 4 1.7GHz Memory: 512MB RAM Hard Drive: 50 GB Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500 Monitor: :S I dont know lol Sound Card: standard Speakers/Headphones: standard Keyboard: Microsoft Mouse: Microsoft Mouse Surface: nothing Operating System: Windows XPâ„¢ total crap but ye it runs
  5. lol it just popped into ma head and I thought woot
  6. Hi there, Thought I'd just make a few logos for the forum headers here they are: Theme: BlackBlood Theme: Darkness Theme: AcidTech (All versions) NEW Theme: Melankolia So what do you think of them? Hope you like them (Remember to scroll at the bottom to see the full logo)
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