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Everything posted by Ibex

  1. Ibex

    New Members?

    hehe ill have to make a bind for that cause theres quite alot of people wanting to join
  2. Ibex


    hehe i just got CS2 again and now im starting back up with ma graphics thinking of making maself a sig saying Ibex in the SKY GLASS effect !
  3. Ibex


    Ok ye so most of you probs know that I get quite a lot of lag when im on servers, and last night on the etpub server I experianced the most annoying lag ive ever had, well the issue is I would like to know if any of you have had this problem and how your resolved it becuase the lag in my eyes is the end of the world!
  4. Have any of you played on a Private world of warcraft server? hehe im the head developer on a popular one but its going underground for mega changes!
  5. I have to admit i really do love that video i watched it last night, good how they got two videos from the same time in the game and merged them
  6. lmao grav im sure that could be arranged....
  7. lol its a 24/7 party with me and grav in there hehe we talk bout mentalist things
  8. thanks mrmuppet i was asking for these the other day now I can improve my binds and thanks puppet for thoses sound binds Ill be having fun with them lol
  9. omfg madf I love you that song is like the most addictive thing ever ! and great vid btw
  10. lmao i might have to make a secret hidden east egg GOATY! page
  11. wooooot woooot 3 websites finished in 3 hours! f*ck ye lol http://www.unholy-drilidan.com only the forums to go.
  12. lol so right cropkiller cord mice rule, unless there ball ones then they totally suck lol
  13. weeee id like an email please
  14. lmao ye if you kill me and ur in the same room then ohh hell will break loose BOW DOWN TO THE GOAT GOD!
  15. meh i like it too ill be working on it soon
  16. Ok well ye Im a website mentalist and love em so Ive decided to make a ET resource! so heres the link: http://www.unholy-drilidan.com Tell me what you think
  17. Ibex

    Admin levels

    Erm im level 2 or 3 lol Cant remember but i know its Member of Muppet
  18. its near the gate, you know the stairs that are on the other side, you can go up and jump over.
  19. lmao!! Woooot ye you better be afraid cause im the mighty mountain goat!
  20. thanks! great work there, hehe im working on unholy-drilidan
  21. hmmm never mind the red just orange glowing lighter please
  22. On the cean map its possible to get on the roofs near the start of the map, when you go up the ladders you can jump to the chimney and onto the roof. I know this because i was randomly specing people while I was eating and saw |*N*F*|Skal on the roof tops I moved him to spec and said get off the roofs as a warning and he went back up there and I saw the whole thing Anyway just so you know if you see people on the roofs, they aint been blasted up there.
  23. Well good luck to you it is possible as u saw with me
  24. Ibex


    do all TM members get a email?
  25. they look nice could I have one please (dont forget orange and red hehe)
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