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Everything posted by Macka

  1. Welcome
  2. Welcome
  3. Just the shirt? Nothing else? Congrats
  4. Welcome
  5. It was a lot of fun. Thanks guys
  6. Welcome mate
  7. Welcome Kalifaat
  8. Hello nice to meet you
  9. Welcome Technus. Nice to meet you
  10. One panzer suicider is enough Jess! PS - Welcome
  11. Macka

    Giveaway reveal!

    Venom has a touch of amnesia?
  12. Macka

    Giveaway reveal!

    So I wasn't far off when I mentioned donating a pair of my underpants. It's an item of clothing at least The shirt looks very good
  13. Welcome
  14. Macka

    Event: Christmas!

    I look forward to it
  15. Macka

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year
  16. Welcome! Another panzer player to rival Jessica
  17. Macka

    Event: Christmas!

    I had many happy and fond memories of both TM and jaymod. I miss the jaymod days. Things seemed a lot more care-free and relaxed back then (I'm getting all nostalgic!) Many, many thanks to all those who made jaymod the great server it was! I would love to show my face at the event but unfortunately I am going to be away over Christmas Have a fab time for me
  18. Welcome
  19. Welcome
  20. Welcome. I had a rabbit called nibbles once. He then died so I hosted a dinner party with plenty of nibbles.
  21. Welcome
  22. Welcome
  23. Charlie got there before me so my second favourite map....Venice!
  24. ET 4 life. Seriously though, I am thinking of trying this game. If I do, I'll be sure to meet up for a game. I hope you enjoy it
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