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Everything posted by Donald

  1. She never complain :mrgreen:
  2. Yea im quik!!! I see it now and its look very nice
  3. Its look nice but do we not confuse players with not have what mod we run at each server?
  4. we could make a rule with !resetxp
  5. Do it have to be on Et pro could we not use Jaymod or No q servers? Where we all can get on and have a great fragging.... :mrgreen:
  6. Like this [attachment=3]2009-12-07-174128-reactor_final.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=2]shot0002.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1]shot0003.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=0]shot0004.jpg[/attachment]
  7. agree and agree
  8. 10/30
  9. In old JM server its work good with 30 sek with 10 sek spawntime i think its to easy with dyna with 15 but lets try 20/25
  10. Have you add them? They are not on rotation.
  11. Thanks mate
  12. Can we put in af few others maps where bots work of course like: hindenburg-lighthouse-nachteinbruch-glider-bremen_b2 And take some out from rotation Post here if some wanna have others
  13. Cound we make g_dynamitetime 30 its to quik with 15 sek
  14. Yea happy b-day hope you will have a good day!!
  15. Selfkill or not...my opinion of this is: When you play at battel and u know when some is medic and urself are eng or whatever it can be hard to kill that guy or go past him. When you have the chance to kill him if you have a good acc this time and know 1-2 more hits and he will get killed, then its annoying when he do selfkill just to not lose some at the board..I cautch Bomba many many times doring this, and i keep tells him to stop still after he have done it 40-50 times same night. I thinks its only was me there took care of it that night. I understand some use it if they run out of ammo or swift class a littel plus here. I dont agree just to say let them do it that way. next is that today a guest and bomba do it together and that pissed me and winston. And we all try here to make our own servers to better plaze to play, and mayby some is soft here but we have to clean up servers at admins and not allow that selfkills. And dont forgot that we have 2 guest at same time here too, it will not looks good if we do play that way and guest run away or do get that on there own. So you must understand that we all want to get our servers better. I will say if any of admins not can see this then they should have remove theres admin rights. This should not be a storm in a teacup if bomba wanna drop his tags its fine with me or do some follow him fine with me. Just not forget this is a game and we play here for fun!!
  16. We cant use !ban at JM we will use !userban or !banuser
  17. I dunno what we can do from now its not easy to handle kids u know
  18. True we will soon lose anthony too
  19. I agree with all above... I think like winston say he wanna have some reasons to drop tags. Last week he keep do selfkill to inprove his kills at the end. I think we where a few more TM there so this I have warn him soo many times to stop it (have to mention here that we not are alone we have guest playing and not fool around) and he ignore me. Same happen today when winston warn a player for same but bomba and him contine do selfkill in game. And right anthony left same sek and start play with bomba at AOA with nick bimbo
  20. Human players, and no laggy. At our own JM i have a littel lag atm, and have give up No q and n!tmod bq i cant play there
  21. Sounds good lets go for it
  22. Take him in
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