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Everything posted by Gaunt

  1. I am member of this clan and part of the Cheat Buster team. As a clan with an internal team involved in trying to keep our servers clean from cheaters we sometimes encourage communication between other clans and communities, even regulars. Why? Because ET has almost no support at all (and AC as well), so the last thing that we have is cooperation between players. This guy came here, for a reason or another, to warn about some cheaters that played on our servers and provided some info, for our information. So, unless you are afraid that this forum runs out of space, your post is pointless. Ah, and to answer your question it's enough that you re-read again the starting post, I'm sure that after the third time you will get the answer by yourself.
  2. lol who are you, the cop of the threads? Thanx for the info Lilpun.
  3. Tons of love and happy holidays everybody
  4. NO. We would lose the most interesting (and fair) match in the cup, put your sh*t together EG.
  5. Gaunt

    Etpro Grand Opening

    Just avoid the the heavy weapons in spawn, for the rest let etpro be wild
  6. Gaunt

    Etpro Grand Opening

    Nice, thanx to everyone for the work!
  7. That was creepy D: Funny event, thanx for organizing!
  8. Gaunt


    keeeeeep it as it is!!! Ping 20 is soooooo sexy
  9. ET is not a program for chatting and when it's time to play, well it's time to play. So no worries about being forced to spam pub/team/pm chat. That said, communication is essential especially when dialogue is for the good of the server's game play (teams, behaviour...), without forgetting some good laugh with clan mates. See you on battlefield soldier.
  10. Welcome to the forum If you use his account/game/pc betcha get rid of his shiat or gtfo brah
  11. Welcome to the forum, see you on battlefield!
  12. You will win this anyway. Enjoy the pleasure of nail painting. Even for feet.
  13. publish the dates, even few hours before I want to see the matches
  14. “Russeeeeell......Mike...? Wazowski....? We carpool? We’re cousins!?”

  15. Be sure to have the latest version ( 2.6b) You can find it here: http://returntocastlewolfenstein.filefront.com/file/;62012 Or the whole game from SD (if you need to reinstall) http://www.splashdamage.com/content/download-wolfenstein-enemy-territory
  16. Gaunt


    Generally I have problem (lag spikes) with server full and during fire fight. Nothing new I guess.
  17. **off topic** Is it possible to check the link that points on Silent server on track base? ( http://et.trackbase.net/index.php?mod=serverinfo&idx=11714 ) for the event, well...
  18. Btw, will be on etpro with 3on3 rules?
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