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About Strunked.

  • Birthday 05/05/1995

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  1. Happy Birthday :cheers:large.56fe88919f996_EnemyTerritoryWELLSlogo.jpg

  2. Welcome and I hope to see you soon in game
  3. Strunked.

    jaymod lags

    @star; that might explain why I don't have lags.. I live in belgium.. The only thime when i have lags is when I am downloading something or so
  4. Finaly some time to chill ;)

  5. just read about the ETrun mod.. we should have that! :O

  6. Hello! good you came to the forum Maybe i'll see you on the server some times!
  7. That looks great!!
  8. Every time I read a post of HawK, I just keep staring at his profile pic! :)

    1. Slarty


      Dam, for a second I thought you was gonna say his tits... :P

    2. MOoN


      yup, I had to hide his profile pic to read his posts :P really annoying !!

    3. Strunked.


      @slarty: haha you perv x)

  9. Hangover... :/

    1. Slarty


      Welcome in the club... :/

  10. Strunked.


    Welcome and have fun!
  11. I hate being sick :s

  12. Starting another 8 hours of school..

    1. Slarty


      Just remember that if you can't manage on 8 hours sleep, you gotta sleep at night too

  13. Glad to be accepted :)

  14. @Andy Yeah, thank you for helping me with the gmail problem
  15. Hello I registered on the forum cuz I started playin on the muppet servers I played ET for 3 years and then I stopped. Afther 2 years I started playing again! (4 days ago) and I found the muppet server. I like the servers and the members so i'll continue playing. See you around! Grtz. Strunked.
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