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About Rattle&Hum

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    Scotland, UK

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  1. Alright mate, always fun talking to you. However this time is "business" unfortunately :(

    Went back to "Chat" and got prompted for a name/password. My current didn't seem to cut it. I thought about posting this (even tried but general stuff would let me post). So rather than "spam" up a topic I can post in I thought it better to seek someone who can help.

    Any ideas? I know I am seldom in chat, but between your good self, Andy and I am sure we can find a solution :)

    1. Eagle_cz


      hehe, np :)

      it's simple chat room, no need to register just click login as guest with your name :) ...btw. chat room history is somehow weird - everyone can see what was written ages ago ...

  2. Hi rattle

    not seen you owning me for agesĀ 

    be great to see you on the nodownloads serverĀ 

  3. Long time mate, how's you?

    1. Eagle_cz


      yeah, I have been busy lately. Where have you been ? ...see ya on the chat soon :)

  4. Thanks for the welcome guys. Those were facts that I observed and as such are true, unlike compliments that tend to be mostly false For me a band has to sound as good live as they do recorded and their songs have to have three key attributes; a good melody, well structured music and finally thought provoking lyrics. U2, for me, tick all these boxes and the fact they are "in my life time" (unlike The Beatles etc) and I can go and see them doesn't hurt either. The Joshua Tree is one of their best albums, released in '87. RaH was released the following year, it's a live album, highly under-rated but I think it makes for a good gamer tag I also use the tag iM3Min3* from time to time; I Me Mine was the last song recorded by The Beatles and other one I thought would make a good tag. Thanks again for the replies. Happy gaming!
  5. Hi all, Since I play on some of the TM servers from time to time, I thought I would register here on the forum and say hello to you all. I tend to play mostly on the .UK| server but it's always a nice change of pace to play on servers that run a different mod to JayMod. I see MrMuppet from time to time on the .UK| forum...no doubt laughing at some of the situations I get myself into over there I must say that this forum is very professional looking, and like your servers, it's clear a lot of hard work, time, effort and funding has/is still going into this community. Thanks for activating my account and I might see some of you on the servers. Take it easy! Rattle'
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