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Everything posted by ketiv

  1. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

    1. VeryDead
    2. Slarty


      Its the damn on/off switch that is broken... :P

  2. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

  3. ketiv


    rright.. I bet you tried to search there that faumus movie with jesus in main part..
  4. inside shortcut properties check "Run this program as an administrator" option.
  5. ketiv

    Lagging problem

    indeed, from 2-3 days lagspikes hurts please heal the server!
  6. idd, it was funny event, really nice diversity from normal game, its a pity that a really good idea and nice adv campaign in whole ET community was without expected result
  7. ketiv


    huh?! so Netherlands (last server location) isn't in Europe anymore?
  8. ketiv


    hello to all creatures from Sesame Street! I wanted to introduce and say a few words about myself. I like long walks on the beach, candle light noms, and shiny things.. of wait.. its not thar kinda of forum.. Lets start again.. I looks like I'll kill you sometimes (sometimes a lot) so I assume that you wanted to know who did it I'm little old(34), I'm playing ET almost from date of release (damn-- 10y??) and a little RTCW before. I'm a oldshool public server player (emain-etpro-etpub), an admin on few serves in the past, 95% of time I played 6standard et maps (so I must learn those bloody customs) Few years ago during game I met another playing-admin "Niki" and a one year later happily she (yep -its a woman!) became my wife (I'm sure u'll met her too) That's all you need to know, I hope we'll frag ya soon. best regards, ketiv
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