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Everything posted by Pown*

  1. I am in for this ! Who is with me (:?!
  2. soundsss greaattt
  3. HéHé i like the picture!
  4. Thanks slarty it worked, i removed the mouse 1 attack bind.
  5. Hi guys, Today i made some changes in my new cfg...but now my sprint + shoot doesn't work... anyway my qeustion is how to get this work again ? Number 1 and 2 can be found back in the cfg down below. The first is top of the cfg The second is between "binds' Here are some scripts that can work: 1 // Weapon script // Binded keysbind mouse1 "+vstr sprintOn sprintOff" // Scriptset sprintOn "+attack; +sprint"set sprintOff "-attack; -attack; -sprint; -sprint" -----------------------------------------2 set AT2 "-attack; -sprint"set AT1 "+attack; +sprint"bind MOUSE1 "+vstr AT1 AT2" --------------------------------------- 3 //Sprintshootset sprintOn "+attack; +sprint"set sprintOff "-attack; -attack; -sprint; -sprint" //Crouchshootset crouchOn "+attack; +movedown"set crouchOff"-attack; -attack; -movedown; -movedown" Thanks. pown.cfg
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