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About Shurtgal

  • Birthday 08/22/1992

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  1. Doesn't work --> GLW_StartOpenGL() - could not load OpenGL subsystem EDIT : switched width and height... SOLVED !
  2. Hi guys! I am now in Berlin for 5 weeks (work and holidays), so I've brought my laptop with me. Since I am no longer using an external screen ( 1050x1680) I have to use my laptop screen which is tiny and has the following resolution : 1366x768. My question is : What format should I set in my CFG for the best screen resolution in ET ? I tried with seta r_customheight "1366" seta r_customwidth "768"but that didnt use all the screen up, the game only used 60% of available screen, so couldnt see a thing. So what should I use ? What would ET support ? Until I have fixed this I cant play...
  3. Hope to see you gaming soon STAR ! Nice to have you back
  4. Solved... I apparently have 2 ET installed LAWL ! They are here : C:\Users\Joss\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpub\screenshots and I was looking in : C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpub Funny...cos my cfg's are in one folder, I load them from there, but the screen shots are saved in the other... EDIT : QUite right Smirre, wrong link -> CORRECTED
  5. That's what's written in the console...so it say's they have been taken, but nothing appears in my folders Note: Taken with xfire
  6. HELP ! ^^ I have binds for doing screenshots but they don't appear in my ETpub or ETmain folders...I don't know where they are... My binds : bind F11 "Autoscreenshot; screenshotjpeg; echo ^5$^9creensh0t ^5T^9aken" //Screenshotset clearshot "cg_crosshairSize 0; cg_draw2D 0; cg_drawgun 0; wait 10; screenshotJPEG; cg_drawgun 1; cg_draw2D 1; echo ^0CLEAR ^6-> ^5$^9creensh0t ^5T^9aken; cg_crosshairSize 20"bind p "vstr clearshot"cg_gun_fovscale "1" or I can also manually do /autoscreenshot, in the console, still doesnt work. In the console it says : written picturename.jpg bla bla, but I cant find it... Either I have a bug or it's something really simple that I am overlooking... In my etpub folder I have a folder "screenshots" but its empty. Any idea's ? OH and if I get this fixed I have an other question : How do you do a SCreenshot of the console without doing /autoscreenshot manually, cause when I hit my binds in console it doesnt do anything...
  7. NIce event Had a fun sniping time with Mr.JEsus
  8. Shurtgal

    Mac and ETPro

    What was the problem in the end ?
  9. Shurtgal

    Mac and ETPro

    Why do you need to games for different mods ? You must have some third programme interfering, make sure you firewall/antivirus isnt blocking ET. Not having a MAC I can't think of anything else to say... PS: I have the same problem with some mods, so what I do is run the game as ADMIN and then it's ok.
  10. Sweet!
  11. Danke Sehr !
  12. NIce event , loads of fun with the chainsaw
  13. Hello Hello guys! My game name is BFG|Shurt|$|gal, BFG = Born for glory, a tag I use with my bro, not a clan, just for style. So I've recently started playing ET again, after a 6 year break. Discovered your ETpub server and have been playing on it ever since. It's a nice server, got nice players. quite a few with decent skills and aim Used to be a quite frequent player a few years back, was +LKD+ Clan leader you might of seen us, used to all be in top 100 on splatterladder So that's all for me! See you soon on the server you little muppetheads! Shurtgal
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