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Everything posted by Txrki

  1. Txrki


    Okay, fair enough for me using !news, that is something I do enjoy listening to. But from that causing a clash, it's beyond me... And for "among others" I don't recall ever doing or saying anything in particular to Knux to cause grief. Just like for anyone, he's entitled to not like me, I don't care about that. But that's for his own reasons, and I won't tolerate being freely insulted. for me, topic closed
  2. Txrki


  3. Txrki


  4. Txrki


    1st kick for saying: "ur an idiot txrki" to which i didn't get a screen shot 2nd kick for saying: "absolute moron txrki" + "guys a fucking idiot" 3rd kick for saying "txrki will lose this in 5 mins" Act like a tool - get treated like one. Behave and I won't bother you. screenshots below $ You
  5. Welcome aboard, fun name pun Enjoy playing ET, no matter the PC setup - all levels of skill are welcome on our servers! See you fraggin'
  6. Merry X-mas to you all, Muppets & Friends!
  7. Hi Gunner, Thanks for the msg, admins will look in to it stay posted
  8. Admins will look into it asap hang tight
  9. I'd also recommend another in-game name (add in a few letters?), 1010101 can be hard to trace as chains of numbers are rarely unique
  10. Heya, Welcome lad, enjoy the server and game with us! see you around
  11. Txrki


  12. Txrki


    Welcome HipKat, Good to see some early days players still around! Catch you on server, enjoy!
  13. did you try without using a vpn .. ?
  14. these guys ...
  15. Txrki

    r*x imposter

    i kicked him last night also, with quite some pleasure .. but gj on the ban don't need such types here
  16. Txrki

    r*x imposter

    player ID 65843
  17. this is good point, script the ties to less popular maps
  18. we could remove the map vote and auto cycle maps based on size vs player count When the people can't be truste to decide.. remove the decision..
  19. yeah, plus that TK + knife.. let's get rid of such players plz...
  20. try this? it's less obvious, but still very weird 2024-06-10-175725-etl_adlernest.dm_84
  21. Hi, Klaunx spotted today, weird playings going on. 1. Players name: Klaunx 2. Server: ET:L main 3. Attach demo name: Klaunx.dm_84 4. Reason: Wallhack (last seconds of map, shooting perfectly through smoke) 5. user info below For a review Klaunx.dm_84
  22. I haven't seen it in the votes yet
  23. @Charlie Yo Charleston, you old duck! we unanimously (at least 20+ members) voted tonight, that we need to add Minas Tirith map back into the cycle of main ET:Legacy server! @EBO said you're a wuss if you don't and she'll 1v1 u anyday Please load it back asap, for free Charlie points
  24. hi there and thanks for the greetings! keep enjoying the server ✌️
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