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Everything posted by Ren

  1. Ahah nice
  2. Good luck guys!!!! May the beast team win and have fun!!!!
  3. 7th June 2013 - 7th June 2014: one beautiful year with TM :D

  4. ummm…Venom?
  5. Ren

    Coming Soon!

    I'm available from august to september PS. Nice pic ben
  6. Exam tomorrow…I just realize I forgot to study 3 chapters :3

    1. Slarty


      Can always sleep after exam :D

    2. Ren


      lol no darn xD I'm tired

  7. Ren


    Ok Niki, you need the candlestick, the dagger, the lead pipe, the revolver, the rope and the spanner. Only then, u will be able to open the secret passages… uuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuu!!
  8. If you can't, then you must!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ren
    3. Towelie


      I can't come to work tomorrow, I must play ET :D

    4. Ren


      eheh towelie, it doens't work like that. If u can't work, then u must work!

  9. Nice pic!! Cya there
  10. Ahah nice :D :D !!!!!!
  11. Back! xD

    1. Slarty


      Well, where is the present you promise us? :P

      Wb :)

    2. Gaunt
    3. Towelie


      Welcome back !

  12. 2 days and I'll be back :D

    1. StaR



  13. Welcome Mint
  14. Wine, beer, mirto, mojito and something else I don't remember…good morning headache :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Towelie


      I suggest trying different combinations every day until you find one that doesn't give a headache :)

    3. Ren


      Ahaha lol Slarty…

      Ah wise Towelie xD

    4. Slarty


      The only one I've found so far is vodka with orange juice, but only if I drop the vodka :D

  15. Ren

    Muppet Mail #4!

    Great work!!!!
  16. Hide and Seek
  17. Ren


    Thx u guys
  18. Voted
  19. Ren


    Ok thx u m8 When I'll be back home I'll try Thx !!
  20. Ren


    Hey guys I'm using a low graphic cfg, to increase my fps. But I'm having some problems with my crosshair. I use a small dot (I think it's the best one) but for me is really difficult to see it. What can I do? I wanna keep my graphic low and I don't want to use another crosshair. I tried to change color, but it's still hard to see it.
  21. Ren

    Infected Event

    NoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo!!!!! I won't be there …darn Enjoy m8!
  22. darn exams…but next week I'll be there!
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