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Everything posted by VenoM

  1. Do you comprehend? I don't think they comprehend

  2. leaning not allowed m8, only Sm!thay tactics.
  3. well when it comes to movement i have pretty much default. WASD, space for jump c for crouch shift for sprint, x for prone. Only thing that is changed is walking in TAB i suppose
  4. great stuff peyoteomo =D

  5. still not recovered from the last one MY HANDS WERE SHAKING IT WAS UNFAIR!
  6. http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/
  7. In reality, vanity is our sanity Then we lose sight when we're trapped in sanity Think about the two "I's" In Insanity And read between the lines, it's more to it actually

  8. that's pretty good since you would never win it
  9. wen is da christmas theme avi and working @ forumz?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. VenoM


      yer it's the bestest

    3. Gaunt


      it's a bit confusing, but still can't go back to normal...it's stronger than me... D:

    4. miraro3


      The snow is what does it for me :3

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