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Everything posted by Aire

  1. Remind me to delete that post
  2. Mortaring is very easy... open the minimap (i think its default bound to g) and fire - it shows you where the shot lands....
  3. Aire

    Run ET off 4 cores?

    It would have to be written for multiple cores - unless there's a mod for it, you aren't likely to be able to do this. At least as far as I know
  4. Wooo bank holiday!

  5. Massively confused
  6. I tried to test, but apparently i can't host ANY campaign maps on my PC i must've broken something a while ago
  7. Never give allegiance to a political party, it gives them more belief in their own infallibility, and means they're less caring about your opinion (since you're still likely to vote for them anyway) Look at the effort american parties put in to winning swing seats. They don't put that effort into holding their own supporters, because they don't need to, and as such are less attuned to their desires. Most of the electoral debates are won by promises, which are often things a party wouldn't intend to do. Which means they're doing something their hardcore supporters do'nt approve of, but they'll do it anyway Swing voters have more power overall but fortunately swing voters tend to be more intelligent
  8. well thats from the original campaign, which cycles between North Africa and Europe, so i can't see why it wouldn't work with a few modifications.
  9. Yes, possibly. Create two campaigns in the script map, one of which uses this format: { name "MotW" shortname "cmpgn_MotW" description "Insert Description Here" maps "map_of_the_week" mapTC 374 374 type "wolfmp" } Then, in the campaign.cfg folder, add this line: set d1 "campaign cmpgn_standardmuppet ; set nextcampaign vstr d1" set d2 "campaign cmpgn_MotW ; set nextcampaign vstr d1" // server doesn't recognise the campaign command when the gamecode isn't running yet. set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; map oasis ; set nextcampaign vstr d1" vstr d_initial I don't know if this'll work, but it seems to me that'd be the most logical system. You create a single campaign that has the one map in, then after the end of that map it switches back to the normal campaign
  10. Then its not really a no download server :/ imo leave it as it is. Some people don't like it which means they'll stay on then leave when it hits railgun/wurz, but it doesn't mean they'd have stayed on otherwise. I think people play it, and if there's a dislike, they'll skip it with Vote Nextmap so its not too big a deal. And mylan'd cry if he lost railgun :/
  11. mmm no, i like the main ones most, (venus, mars, jupiter) but jupiter is my fav out of the three. I'm not a big fan of the others
  12. aye, good old spotify
  13. Good poll choice. I'm undecided to the post whether it was inspired or just insipid
  14. nah, think my eyes are tired thats all (sleep deprived) I was sucky on fueldump as well. Still beat mylan though
  15. ninja post moar. They're also very good Found their server edit: bah, supply depot hurts my eyes :/
  16. If there's no challenge there's no gain. Also, is it 5v5 or 6v6?
  17. If i played as well as virus it'd be unfair for the other team
  18. I guess it depends how you feel about mid range/close range fighting - supply is more mid range as far as I remember (the opening bit with the middle level giving nice vantage points, will have to have someone overlooking the tunnel and inside. After the breach its a large fortress i believe, haven't played it in a long time, but that i remember was mostly long range. Gold rush is more close quarters with the tight tunnels and congested bank. You'll also need someone who rocks on a tank for Grush - you can dominate in defense on that :/
  19. voice comms will be essential, thats for sure, and you'd need to pick a map you guys are good on. I'd vote for a map that easy to attack on, as you'll do better on defense (imo)
  20. strategies are easy well, as long as its a good map I can always train you
  21. Desire. Awesome phone. And with Android VNC, I can play Empire Total War ANYWHERE!
  22. Thats all there is to it
  23. Type that code into the console with a slash infront of it or you can use /set instead of /seta Its only the config file generated for your PC, every command in the file is editable ingame
  24. They're just settings that you can edit for the game, they're not in any way cheats or hacks. Its just to stabilise your aim somewhat. You have to remember that whilst some players wont use them, others will, and it depends how you want to do it In all fairness, i'm not actually sure thats what they do, just a guess.
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