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Everything posted by Slash

  1. Best server ever, hands down...more people should stop by, I love the faster paced gameplay vs the epic slow pub gameplay. Would like some more competition on this server, Britney is ofcourse a good start, bring it boys and girls....
  2. Slash

    New leader

    Hm from mr to smirre and then to freaky within a short period of time, I'm not really liking the way this is going....think some stability is needed. Nevertheless mate I hope you overcome whatever you are facing at the moment!
  3. Dude seriously have you been drinking? you weren't kicked by any admin as far as I could tell. In case you were drinking I'll just disregard this post
  4. *
  5. You are not alone in that one mate, I've had this issue as well. Had to download all maps individually such a pain in the ass.
  6. Don't think we've exchanged bullets on server yet but nevertheless good to see you on the forums
  7. Good call, if you ever need any help in keeping the pub server up I'm always willing to donate
  8. ha! this looks great never even heard of this mod
  9. Slash

    Map Test Event

    Crap I missed the event because every once in a while my girl wants some attention , know pretty much all of the maps except cluedo. haha now that was funny
  10. I have a feeling that I am not the first person telling you this mate, but you seem a bit stubborn to me, am I right or am I wrong?
  11. haha yeah that nq server was fun, god been a long time since I played that mod! we should do it more often. and Paul I just send you a pm
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