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Everything posted by Brehhh

  1. lol Shouldnt kick pipo for making teams unfair. If anything he's more of a liability to your team. Its ok to see you care about teams but if you really want to change something you should take a closer look at your fellow tm members. Some of which are decent players and always tend to join the stronger team.
  2. Brehhh

    It's time

    this is sad news for a (semi) old timer. Wish you both the best in whatever you're gonna do next. say hi in the server from time to time. I'd hereby like to express my sincere gratitude for all the hard work you've put into this.
  3. Looks like y'all were really jealous of me and the way used to play. The way this Blondie kid acts really frightens me. Looks like he's allowed to do whatever he wants. Nobody here to control him.
  4. Looks like the people in charge still don't feel like booting the people who are responsible for acting the way they did.... Toni replied that the way Blondie acted does not respond to what the TM servers try to act.He even said that Blondie replied quite often in this way. It is truly quite sad to see that nothing has been done regarding to Blondie and whatever he does. Looks like some people have a lot more priviliges than other people. Looks like this blondie kid still can do whatever he want and still not get punished for it.
  5. This sounds awfully familiar.
  6. Leuven, Antwerp or Ghent?!
  7. Brehhh

    Xmas Event

    Charles carrying the team. Nothing special.
  8. lol and lol If I'd get cross with a french player I'd just insult him in french. There are few french members in this clan, let alone them being online often.
  9. ronnie is the greatest there has ever been and the greatest there ever will be.

  10. incredibreh
  11. Brehhh


    I have special needs
  12. Brehhh


    Hello friends, The point of this topic is to ask eachother questions and to get familiar with th person behind the player. So you just ask the breh questions and a couple of days later the breh nominates another TM member and he'll be forced to answer a couple of questions. Because this is my idea I'll start. You can ask me anyhting and I'll answer. I'll nominate the next person on 30/10 and then he'll be forced to answer the questions asked. Possible examples are; What do you study? What do you do in your spare time? What's your favourite drink? What do you like most about TeamMuppet? Who is your favourite player on our EtPub server? If you were to be an animal, which animal would you be? If you had to fuck an animal, which animal would you lke to give anal treatment? Ready, set go! (if this is the wrong forum section, feel free to move it. xxxx)
  13. Brehhh


    u96d Hard to pick my fav food tho. I dont even know if I prefer bacon and eggs over cereal for breakfast
  14. Brehhh


    Whats your favorite food?
  15. Brehhh


    nice to meet you breh
  16. I am the breh, thy breh Thou shalt have no other breh's No graven images or likenesses Not take the breh's name in vain Remember the breh day honour thy breh and thy breh Thou shalt not breh Thou shalt not commit brehdultery Thou shalt not breh Thou shalt not breh false witness Thou shalt not breh -breherb
  17. as of now Breh holds 100% of your portrait rights. I hereby order you to built a tunnel underneath the Bering Strait connecting Alaska with Russia. Listen to breh, leader and shepherd of the Muppets. Obey breh, worship breh b r e h breeeeeeh
  18. Very thanks mini and mrmuppet. Very thanks all founding fathers and other contributors.
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