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Posts posted by Alistar

  1. Hello all,

    this game has already been released in germany, USA, new zealand and australia. Has anybody tried it yet? Maybe the concept is childish but still an addicting game. It really makes you walk a lot :D

  2. 1 minute ago, DiNg said:

    Tell us more about that competition you're willing to host cause I've got a massive story about my friend who made me discover the game. We were around 12 so it must have been in like 2003/2004, oh god ^^

    Well, I am not able to host the competition at the moment. Mostly I was thinking about hosting a bigger story competition also for people outside TM. As I said earlier in my post that later on when I have no hurries anymore I might host something similar :) I have lots of ideas on my head :D

    Anyway, even if you do not win a single euro now you are still allowed to write your story here if you want. It is really enjoyable to read how people found their way to ET scene :=)

  3. Hello everyone!

    Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was released on the 29th of May in 2003 and is still alive after 13 years. In this topic I am going to tell each and every one of you how this videogame has affected my life during all these years. Everyone else is also allowed to describe their memories about Enemy Territory below this topic :). I was thinking about running a 50 euro story competition about the anniversary but due to real life hurries I am not able to do it this year but who knows if next year I am able to run it! I still hope that everyone of you will enjoy this topic and share your own stories as well.

    I started to play Enemy Territory in 2004 when I heard about this game from my father's workmate and I still play this game every now and then. In 12 years lots of things have obviously changed in my life and it feels unrealistic how quickly all these years have past. I was only a 9 year old boy in elementary school who found out this game and was super addicted to it :D Yes, it sounds funny and strange that I began to play this game when I was 9 but honestly said I do not regret wasting any of my time in this game. Before anybody of you think that I was a no lifer since 9 then I unfortunately have to say that I did not waste 24/7 online though I started early my ET career :D.

    I used to play many years on 2fast4you server in 2.55 which after I moved to ET 2.6b. I would say that nearly 80% of my memories come from 2fast4you server because that´s my first place where I started everything. Here I want to highlight how small and unique our community is since an old friend of mine (Mc ger) also used to play on the same server as me and now he is currently part of our Teammuppet community! After 2fast4you server I moved on to an etpro scene where I spent nearly 5 years. Honestly said, I did not ever enjoy my time in etpro and if I had had found Teammuppet community back in 2008 I would have joined here years ago. Though I did not join Teammuppet earlier I am still glad that I joined here in 2014. 

    After playing this game for almost 13 years I have met lots of different people which has seriously developed my view of life. When thinking my own development during all these years most of my time I think that people can never get to know me as I am. I do not know why but it has always been very difficult for me to show my real personality online because I always tend to act differently here. I guess that the reason why I tend to act differently online is that I do not want to be the same serious and responsible person as I am in real life. In a humorous way I can say that ET has been a place where I have been able to express myself better and say things aloud which I would never say in real life.

    In summary I can perfectly say that schools, girlfriends, jobs, cars and any other things always change in life but Enemy Territory will always remain the same. I hope that ET will still stay alive in next decades because this game has strongly involved in our lives one way or another. Long life Teammuppet and it is people :=)

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