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Everything posted by cropsel

  2. lol no really.. today it was twice more populated as the NQ server
  3. lol no they arent.. there are some really nice guys between them
  4. hey guys.. the adminlevels on the etpub server are not working correct anymore.. we have to take a look at it..
  5. hey guys.. today i was on the etpub server (it was full NQ empty) and there were some great folks playing.. used the console to say if they liked to join they had to email.. just to say we should not only concentrate on ppl on the NQ server..
  6. Hey guys... today i was in the etpub server with turtle shock.. he said he made a server of a friend of his lately and he knew some tricks to get more active players on our servers.. he said he would send it all to muppet so guess u will get some mail for example he said that when we change the server name we could get more players.. etc.. i say why dont give it a try.. i mean the jaymod server is almost always empty but dont give him too much power.. remember puppet :idea:
  7. cropsel


    haah lol bet u dont even know what it is..
  8. sorry was not registered yet..
  9. ok i have arranged a war vs. BH 17 aug @ 19.00 BST so that will be 20.00 for the dutch, belgian, danish and finnish members.. (sorry if i forget some countrys ) we have played vs. them before so should be right more info will follow ( PLz also check the main site ) Players: - Skepta - Miraro - Cropkiller - Virus - Fabixke - 007 - Badwolf Reserves - Onyx
  10. ok i have arranged a war vs. BH 17 aug @ 19.00 BST so that will be 20.00 for the dutch, belgian, danish and finnish members.. (sorry if i forget some countrys )
  11. I guess this is it.. well every one should change his/her pass and then i guess it would be ok..
  12. lol maybe i am a lil late but sure we cn challenge them give me an email and homepage and the will be challenged
  13. i just registered bet it all is fine now
  14. well maybe it is better to tell him just how to restart the server.. dont start about rconit.. if he behaves fine we can always tell him about it (maybe this is too late but sorry then )
  15. Hey guys, i am leaving sunday morning, I am going at least 2 weeks to france do some windsurfing so u know about this.. and friday and saturday i will not be online neither just to busy.. partying.. girlfriend.. etc.. u know usual stuff 8-)
  16. hey maybe we should allow re-voting in these polls.. Because people change their minds often... and now they cant change it..
  17. Hey i am planning some wars.. but i need to know now we are close to the holidays.. Plz select the dates u can play wars
  18. Happy birthday
  19. lol chech the url of the pic.. it is a dutch site i can see it by .nl
  20. well looks clear for me..
  21. Isnt it possible to create one themselves.. Which will be deleted when no one is in anymore??
  22. belgians ,huh! :mrgreen: @#&ยง belgians are taking over the woooorld; belgian army is now recuiting: lol take a look at the picture.. On the link I can see it was orignal dutch.. And we dutch all know belgians are just very stupid Btw did u take a look at the guy.. Do u take over the world with guys without arms??
  23. U can also do the same like some finish guys in this clan.. They make a fireteam.. Make it private and speak finnish in the fireteam chat.. this way others dont see it too So plz use one of these things the next time
  24. Happy birthday!! I am in too.. at least when the beer is free..
  25. well find a place to download them.. put them in ur wolfstein - Enemy Territoty/etmain folder.. start ET click on host game.. make it not dedicated choose the map u want to try.. and click start.. U will be able to run around alone
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