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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. cropsel


    hahah that is true.. 8-)
  2. cropsel


    Wow cool what kind of band?? 8-)
  3. muppetmatch is the pass as always..
  4. cropsel


    see u just join to play along.. or ask us to play at other servers..
  5. cropsel


    hahah lol but this is cool..
  6. cropsel


    well dont use it that often..
  7. cropsel


    yes it is lol.. but one happy thing i dont smoke.. only some cannabis every now and then.. But if u dont like to screw ur longs just have some spacecake..
  8. cropsel


    then i am sure you have used crap.. Here in holland peolpe get a happy feeling because of the weed..
  9. cropsel


    hahaha how do u know you dont like weed, did u tried it??
  10. cropsel


    hahah would be fun... will give u some too..
  11. cropsel


    hahaahh lol but we dont only smoke canabis.. we eat space-cake too.. and a lot of cheese.. 8-) and that makes us happy..
  12. i agree with u puppet, but i dont know anything about PunkBuster so.. I cant do it..
  13. cropsel


    Hahaahah well i dont know how people are in the UK I only know people in holland are very kind a relaxed..(guess why.. :? )
  14. annoucements can also be done on the homepage now..
  15. i didnt have to download cause i already had it because i needed it to make waypoints.. Maybe you should complain..
  16. Arty Pwns yer Panzer LOL but i think arty is boring..
  17. sorry i am late but happy birthday
  18. well i like to do panzer always.. Think it is funny because a lot of them say u are a noob when u use it.. but at the end u have the highest fragger award 8-) think that would be good proof..
  19. yep that is where.. the new match server..
  20. Hey, 20 april there will be a war vs. Rotten soldiers as u can see on the homepage.. 4 vs 4.. (those are the guys winston was talking about) They say we should choose our best players.. Guess we should have a training on Venice and Goldrush (Stopwatch) 13 april because these maps will be played.. ATTENTION: the date of this match has changed!! It is a week earlier.. Players in: - Puppet - Miki - Cropkiller (reserve)
  21. i did get a mail of someone who wanted to challenge us.. think they were it.. Do u like to have a war??
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