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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. ok but how do i start a listen server??
  2. gewoon om nog een keer te zeggen wat er gezegt is op het vorige forum over adminlevels. Vraag alsjeblieft nie voor adminlevels als je aan het spelen bent, doe dit via email of met het pm systeem van het forum. Er is niets dat vervelender dan meedoen in een game en dan constant gepm'd worden door mense die admin levels willen, onthoud de meeste tijd er zijn meer dan 1 mensen een bericht voor muppet aan het typen en kan hij dus antwoorden aan iedereen tegelijk, Hij speelt mee om the spelen, hij is lid van het forum om het spel te bespreken. alle TM members worden level 5 zodra ze volledige leden zijn en als Donald gezegd heeft dat ze [T] moeten verwijderen. We hebben geen level 6, 7 of 8 admins meer nodig op dit moment, dit kan misschien veranderen in de toekomst maar niet voordat Donald, Cropkiller, Puppet and Muppet zelf het hier over eens zijn over de persoon in kwestie. Proost. This was it.. In Dutch
  3. hey guys.. why is the rcon changing this often maybe we can make it the same on all servers.. (I cant remember it.. all this times..) and also the ref.. because on the jaymod it is just volvo and on the others it is volvos60t5.. i prefer the last.. it is the most easy.. (maybe also use same pass on warserver.. But need to discuss this.. i think )
  4. hi guys.. just noticed all moderators are online now
  5. lol i think so.. And the rest of the management does agree with what he does.. :mrgreen:
  6. lol like evil..
  7. wow that is cool.. how did u do it??
  8. that would be really great and keep a lot of problems away..
  9. ok.. thx to tell us 8-)
  10. did u already did this muppet :?:
  11. well because mr muppet already stopped paying, we cant add banners or something like that..
  12. lol
  13. [quote name=<=TM=>Donald]Dont forget too not play in class lmao
  14. yep we will wait. and see.. Is he saving XP so he can add that cfg back when it is changed??
  15. cropsel


  16. cropsel


    and how do u like my new avatar??
  17. but when it gets back..
  18. thank you.. but what do u want with such eyes...
  19. hi guys, i want to add bot waypoints.. But i am stuck at the first step.. I will post exactly how it is in my guide.. Waypointing in ET Due to the special method of waypointing in ET, waypointing is only available in the omnibot mod, which is a modification of etmain. This means you cannot waypoint in etpub, jaymod, or NQ. The authors of these mods and I thought it best to not add a needless dependency to their mods client dll. If you need to waypoint in ET, run the omnibot mod as a listen server, and run cg_omnibotdrawing 1 in the client console. Waypointing is not supported on dedicated servers, you must run a listen server.
  20. yes but not when u typ daonald@teammupeet.co.uk
  21. i never went to such a party.. When we want to do something like that.. we just take a joint.. and every thing is cool again
  22. i dont do such things.. dont even have one
  23. cropsel


    sure i have one now
  24. I dont like it.. Think it will get even more problems.. with guys who say u were in the zone.. when they were on the edge, think it will get a lot of unneccessary fights
  25. if it is free maybe i can check it out some time ( i dont pay for WOW it is really too expensive!!) (and is there a lot of bug gold?? Because the game would be ruined then..)
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