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Everything posted by cropsel

  1. cropsel


    yes good work.. Think i have seen him already though..
  2. ok this is good.. I like it this way.. We have all popular mods now..
  3. cropsel


    hi, i made this one for mapping
  4. i liked it too!! :!:
  5. otherwise we are just going to change..
  6. cropsel


    and i could use some help to make command maps, textures etc.. (all for mapping )
  7. i have played some of these I like: - AE Sniper Practice - Jungle Sniper - Oldskool Sniper - Flat Sniper I don't like - Bridge Sniper - Mine Sniper the rest i dont know..
  8. hahahaha
  9. i hate that version of baserace..
  10. Hi i have also arranged one for this date also on 20.00 GMT also on our server.. propably 5 vs 5.. the opposite clan is n*b (i 'm not totally sure ) (people who cant play can maybe do a training or somethin) Members participating: - Cropkiller - Belo - Puppet - Kenny - MrMuppet - MiniMuppet - Miraro3
  11. Hi how much wars do u want to do??
  12. 30 march we will have another one.. this time against #Nm. (never played before so prepare urself :twisted: ) it will also be on our etpro server... also at 20.00 GMT Members participating - Cropkiller - Puppet - Miraro3
  13. well u should see some [uje]sniper maps.. (some do have crossing..)
  14. ok then we do only english..
  15. yes i understand what u mean.. but i think a few rules are ok like, even up teams.. (there cant be discussion about this). those kind of things..
  16. i would like to do it only tm or another clan dont care much..
  17. i dont think we need something.. maybe add a banner behave nice and maybe a lil extra sp loss.. but i think the main thing is we should just say that other people say stop swearing at these hours..
  18. maybe we can do such an safe zone.. but only for heavy weapons an arty ant thing.. and a smaller one for light weapons.
  19. ok.. i dont care much.. understand a lot europian languages..
  20. i think lvl 8.. because sometimes it can be fun.. And if high admins can call it when there are only <=TM=> or something.. just fun.. (when everyone thinks so..)
  21. yeah sure we can.. against clans which only do sniperwars?? or just a normal clan?? we can play some [uje] maps..
  22. cropsel


    i try to get my mail in outlook too.. where do i fill this in.. (i know i have to change donald to cropkiller)
  23. as puppet told u, u just need to contact donald.. leave something here or email Donald@teammuppet.co.uk or do both
  24. and also minimuppet@teammuppet.co.uk i think...
  25. mine is now working too..
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