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Everything posted by Nour

  1. Sorry to provide weak evidenceBut that's all I have as evidencehttp://www.gametracker.com/player/Farmer/etpub.teammuppet.com:27960/
  2. Eagle_cz u are not Dump bird . i am so sorry My friend I do not challenge u . i post my problem only
  3. I do not use cheating because I always play in the server Nodownload under the name FarmersNo one ban me
  4. Thank you my friend for your understanding.
  5. Yes, but they explained that they did not know EnglishAct our leader respected It prevents a full country to access server
  6. I have made an apology in Topic and the ban not remove But I really did not use it inside the server. I know and I take my responsibility
  7. yes grobar . 1 year ogo i use aimbot but i i'am blocked by server in connecting I apologize for doing so.I was just love the experience I did not know the consequencesBut this almost a year ago
  8. Yes my friend eagle I do not opposed the ban I have my own server but does not block range IP because I feel the responsibility to prevent other because me
  9. Yes, my friend . I agree with uBut the problem is that my friends can enter server and play with DNS or proxy for me other problem ..... This means that they are not banned by server or nitmod but means that the number IP is blocked by server this what i mean . and our leader understand it . he know what i mean my friend charlie u are right but not some problem .
  10. Alistar , Yes my friend you're right. I do not know why our leader is tough with me I did not oppose it with him
  11. Yes you are rightBut it's not about me, but on my friends deprived of play
  12. grobar If you told me DIED nowI will die . You are real right man .
  13. hi macha , see this topic u understand mate http://teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/15137-help-connection-failed/
  14. Alistar yes mate but peyote our leader say that :
  15. I think that there is a misunderstandingI am not a cheater, please give me proof of your talkDo not have an I know you do not have. I dare you to haveRespect of most of the members here makes me'm holding my desire to take revenge on your talk.To everyone knows Why do I am banned 3 times in a rowBecause I made three requests to be adminTo learn that, extremism only creates HateIt's just a game to enjoy. Do not make it a game to create Hate I just wanted to pose problems for my friends who are unable to speak EnglishDo not confuse between me and my friends Those who ask about the reason for my Message entering this article : http://teammuppet.eu/home/index.php?/topic/15137-help-connection-failed/ Oops I forgot , eagle i can enter any server :
  16. Nour

    Help connection failed

    Thank you my friend for your response. And thank all members
  17. Hello My Friends, I want to ask you something very strange Have you Blocking range ip 41.102. *. * ???? I have four friends can not connect to base race only ( only base race server ) his profiles ali medjamia , hocin_crazy_killer , crazy , flytstsi ) they can connect to other server (nodownload , sniper only ...) As a Network Engineer and after some attempts i success to connect after i change IP number The thing that puzzled me that when I got computer at home it connect and work the problem is server hidden in list online and when connect with ip for example ( , 27933 ) some problem they can't connect Sorry you're annoyed with me, my friends. My friends do not speak English ,And I have recommended Base race only to them If they are not welcome. Please let me know because most of them uninstall the operating system they think that is malfunction in the system thanks u my friends and sorry again good day
  18. Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig thanx mate
  19. thanks Charlie
  20. hi Charlie ; no server still block in base race desert
  21. My greetings to moderators and admins and all visitors of Forum Teammuppet I wish for everyone a new year full of happiness and success .. I have a request of maintenance Server : Base race Only it does not work now can not contact him Thank you very much, and sorry for my repeated requests
  22. I think the suggestions on the type of even is creating 3 (three) wallpaper for the team muppet and shared him in page for facebook ho take batter like win the name of even is " Each picture story " balanced for all this even .
  23. What is your opinion on this look , this pack work in Nitmod and jaymod ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
  24. Nour

    Map Test Event

    Ohh yes nice work , congratulation i waiting that with inpatient
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