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Everything posted by Nour

  1. thanx the probleme is resolved Toni I have my own server, all I was doing service for a friend of mine. I think you understand what I mean
  2. Hi mates , i miss everybody here and I salute you There is a problem in the loading of server , Exactly in classes , the end of loading and stop this problem is not for me only but There are many friends from Brazil, France, Algeria ... could not enterThe problem for four days and declared in Nodownlad thanx for all friend and admin and team muppet good day for all
  3. Who can steal this objective
  4. are not welcome to teammuppet servers again o.O I did not like your comment Toni
  5. thank u grobar the problem resolved no charlie i del the old Et install and i begin with a new ID , and i dont use the hack and if u belive me i have no idea what is hack thanx again for the resolve of problem , i love base race only so mach
  6. Hi mates , i miss everybody here and I salute you There is a problem in the loading of server , Exactly in classes , the end of loading and stop this problem is not for me only but There are many friends from Brazil, France, Algeria ... could not enterThe problem for four days and declared in Nodownlad thanx for all friend and admin and team muppet good day for all
  7. Was a great experience, I hope to solve the problem of the map and added to the wonderful bouquet of maps
  8. Congratulations to new and fascinating map Base race beta 2 I've liked , very wonderful design I wonder Why bot do not move when i ask medic and ammo ?
  9. Nour


    Welcome madman! I hope that you enjoy with us
  10. Nour

    New leader

    congrats Freak , I hope you success Take care of yourself my friend .
  11. Thank you very much and all the Working Group at Forum Yes, the problem has resolved
  12. hi everyone, I have a problem concerning server: Base Race Only from today I can not enter the server, the problem not for me but there are some other player who does not enter in the server. some info : me Nour ben from algeria , elison_batera From Brazil and other . I put the picture that shows the problem (server crashes like afiche image and nothing happens) davance thank you to repair the problem acouse I love this server me and all my friends all my greetings for the team and admin team muppet and <=TM=>Locolas for the tremendous efforts in the safety of the server .
  13. welcome
  14. Nour

    Muppet Mail #5

    Nice job
  15. Nour

    A new admin?!

    I do not think it is easy to join TM i'am Rank on Server base race only : #3 and My request was not accepted or Forgot http://www.gametracker.com/player/Nour%20ben/
  16. Nour

    A new admin?!

    i think it's not me
  17. welcome
  18. creat a new profile and change ET.exe when u download maps : baserace_final.pk3 baserace.pk3 baserace_b3c.pk3 baserace_b1bxmas.pk3 xxxxxxxxxxxmain.pk3 change folder of profile in old profile or download liste of maps manual
  19. i need a medic

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