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  1. Virus


    can't don't have permission to edit the administrative permissions
  2. Virus


    was just watching the chat permissions when i saw this did you do this ?[attachment=0]permissions.png[/attachment] donald, crop and hammer have adminstrator permissions to alter the mchat module.
  3. deleted it afther he downloaded it this is in the regristed forum so every one could downloaded it
  4. deleted it afther he downloaded it this is in the regristed forum so every one could downloaded it
  5. is your pb correct installed ? here is etkey it is zipped
  6. is your pb correct installed ? here is etkey it is zipped
  7. if you post it here first then we will correct it if necessary
  8. yea is active and plays the game and doesn't complain
  9. any progress on this, or need any help ?
  10. ff on = you can kill your teammate ff off = you can't kill you teammate
  11. good idea miki why there are so many jaymod servers i because jaymod is a "easy" mod and is good for rating ( TB & Splatterladder). indeed half of us like to play nq or jaymod i am for nq because jaymod is too easy my opinion . dunno where you get that from but opened the 5 top jaymod servers and they all got FF off, and on jaymod i think thats best to have it off if you want to know more about the server settings pm me and will give you a doc with all the info ==> all for reading think the bots are ok for now atm 10 is good for jaymod
  12. nope but will probably be a setting in IE :?
  13. it is on the jm server, but there are no waypoints for the bots so you can vote for it and play it when there are people on the server
  14. done execpte there where no waypoints for the baserace winter edition, so putted the normal baserace in the cylce, the winter edtion is uploaded to the server if you want to play it
  15. done but used my email to register, what mail should i use teammuppet member can only view and post in the chat box
  16. he registered on the forum but didn't visited it yet
  17. looking good miki, am i the only one that doesn't see the clan image ?
  18. if i got time tomorrow i will do it
  19. hey & welcome to server and forum
  20. maybe for the new guys you need to have a etkey (guid)
  21. jaymod is pb unprotected so no guid needed, these players don't have a etkey so no guid and that's why xp or lvl can't be saved to see if you got a guid do this in console PB_MyGuid to generate a new one use this command in console pb_cdkeyreg you will now have a new etkey, so old one is gone forever
  22. dj ==> viewtopic.php?f=13&t=249 underdog=kasarbian america is a other person
  23. indeed think the best is to view it individual for each player, but we must have a waiting periode of at least 5 days would be good
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