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Everything posted by Virus

  1. lets play that match :twisted:
  2. Virus


    who told you that
  3. Virus


    who told you that
  4. Virus


    change it in nq then profiles and your name and then change it in your etconfig search for seta name so enemyterritory\noquarter\profiles\virus
  5. Virus


    change it in nq then profiles and your name and then change it in your etconfig search for seta name so enemyterritory\noquarter\profiles\virus
  6. the 3the or the 10th we have a party don't know the date jet
  7. Happy birthday!!
  8. if you want to talk portuguese do it in private chat not in the main chat then you won't get muted
  9. Happy birthday!!
  10. Virus


    mayby for :t he colors mayby you can add this tool into the wiki, instead of using the link http://jeffreyb.helenparkhurst.nl/online.html
  11. Virus


    his name now i DJ so i don't know :roll: :?:
  12. Virus


    A question is DJ a team muppet member he says he is, i don't think so :roll: , do not find a poll and never seen him before. He hasn't an adminlevel so :?
  13. i want to join the war team :roll:
  14. when i trow i grenade i see a box such as this one :?
  15. and
  16. masterpower came online today and told that he was cheating, :? he was jusing etbot he told me , 007 and mele i got a screen where he told it he even told us where we could find it.
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