the new recruits have now a group the trail member they have the same permissions as the members only they can't see the management and the member joining polls
Hey Laxeror, Welcome to the board, hope you have a nice time here, as mrmuppet said post something about yourself, how long you played Enemy territory, from which country are you. other clans maybe?
hope they stay, ]SS[Lax want to join atm, that patryk likes to teamkill a lot, and those 4 likes to play at the winning team if they see that they are losing
does this still work, mir thinks not, but could that he lost his login. if it isn't in use anymore i can remove that from the messages in nq
I saw that today, that some called nextmap as a vote, so if you want to change the mapcycle post the maps you want to remove, and post an alternative map cycle atm baserace goldrush reactor_final supplydepot2 radar et_ice frostbite adlernest venice oasis bremen_final breakout snatch3 town caen_4