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Everything posted by kemal

  1. Welcome M8
  2. kemal

    Time to vote

    'Number 2' was so emocional.. It touched my feelings..
  3. Welcome m8
  4. Welcome m8
  5. Happy Valentine's Day!
  6. Nice to meet you mate;)
  7. What you believe to be true is false.. What you thought right, wrong..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Towelie


      Illuminati confirmed

    3. kemal


      Thanks Tommy;) But I feel that GreatDanton's theory might be too dangerous to destroy this quote;)

      Life shows us what the truth or false with its interesting ways, so i like this quote..

    4. HawK


      Lieblebe + Raki = Liebe <3

  8. Welcome Yunus Baba
  9. kemal


    Hello; My name's Kemal. I'm 30 years old. I live in Istanbul, Turkey. I work as industrial products designer. My main hobby is designing. I almost spend my time for researhing, learning, teaching and practicing about it. I also like to spend time with my friends.. I'm always ready for drinking and womanizing:) I sometimes blame, curse or swear to this wonderful game, but however, i can't give it up:) I also play "Starcraft II" game and i'm very big fan of it too.. Since our last server closed which we played in ( Yunus and Me), we were looking for a good server which has good players in (gameplaying and humanity especially). Yunus believed that he has found it, so we are here:) my main wish about this server, no racism happens in this server. I believe that nations and their religions deserve same respect each other. Since i've been in this server, i met with nice people. I liked this community. I hope we'll have long time in this server and build strong friendship here. Kind Regards to all muppets, also respects to all masters here.. Kemal
  10. Hi Dudes
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