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About Snatix

  • Birthday 06/16/1993

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  1. Hello, we are waiting for your team(s) name(s). Please pm us with your team name and lineup.
  2. And here is our discord aswell: https://discord.gg/K2tvg9
  3. Here you go for the site: http://www.lod-etpro-event.com/ Group stages will be done the 18th October
  4. Yes, being part of your etpro team count as such, no problems there! :-)
  5. Thanks, but I'm pretty sure, considering the ammount of players your Trackbase page contains, that you can gather 6 players 1 time a week for a match :-) http://et.trackbase.net/clan/83/ There is no registration needed, you can play with any players for this cup. But they must be part of the team community prior the sign up registration limit.
  6. Hey everyone, I'm here to announce an ETPro event, which will allow teams to participate in a relatively big ETPro event. The main goal of this tournament is to increase the activity and the motivation of all the players around here, and to make some teams meet each other. FUN IS THE KEY WORD OF THIS TOURNAMENT. - This will be a 6on6 format tournament. - A team can have an unlimited ammount of players (which means you can play with a different 6 men roster every games). - BUT, you are not allowed to play with more than 1 player who isn't a part of your team already. Tournament format & Points system - As stated before, it will be a 6on6 tournament. - This will be played on Round Robin format. - Each teams will play each other once during the group stage, which means every teams will at least play 7 matches before the final phase. - BO2 format -> each team have to pick 1 map. No third map will be played no matter the results. (You can of course continue playing against each other if you enjoy yourself, but it won't count for the tournament results.) - Winning a match gives you 3 points. Drawing the match gives you 2 points. Losing the match gives you 1 point. - If you win both maps, it means your team win the match 4-0. If you both win one map, it means the score is 2-2. A fullhold (winning the defense part of the map) gives you 1 point. Results can either be : 4-0, 3-1 or 2-2. - All the teams will be qualified for the next phase. But the firsts 4 (or 5 teams) will qualify for the Winner Bracket, while the other 4 (or 5 teams) will qualify for the Lower Bracket. - A team who loses in the Winner Bracket are given another chance to stay in the tournament by joining the Loser Bracket. - A team gets eliminated when it loses during the Lower Bracket. - The tournament won't be hold if we got less than 8 teams signed up. Schedule The tournament will start the 22nd October 2017. Sign-up will close the 18th October. A team has to play at the VERY LEAST 1 match a week for the Round Robin stage, to not slow down the event too much. The tournament will end around the 10th December, which gives times to everyone to schedule their matches properly. How to Sign-up for this tournament? To do so, you need to send me a private message with the following information: - Your team name. - Your average skill and/or experience as an ETPro team and/or player. The person registering the team will be the considered team captain, meaning he needs to be contactable for any questions. So remember everyone, despite the few rules and the points system, the main goal of me organizing this event is to bring FUN and MOTIVATION to everyone. Keep in mind that the results are optionnal, winning or losing doesn't mean anything as long as you get to play. If you need further informations, please contact Snatix or Doc from the LoD team. (.LoD|Snatix and .LoD|Doc.) Thank you for your attention everyone, and I hope to see you for the cup. The .LoD| team
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