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Honourable Admin
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Everything posted by GreenMan

  1. Nice!! Is on Sunday so I might not miss this one
  2. Siemano and welcome on our forums Played with u many times and always enjoyed it . Hope to see u soon on battlefield
  3. newcastle - benfica live :D Go on TOON !!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GreenMan


      yea will be fuul stadium :D might see u there in between 50,000 people haaa

    3. fleshpulse


      Haway the lads!

    4. Charlie


      The gloating has been endless from sunderland supporters :(

  4. welcome back mate , didnt see u from ages You should really say u will be inactive for so long ( stupido hahahaha)
  5. Partyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Darek
    2. Slarty


      Wonder if I'm getting to old, had one beer at 3.30 pm and i'm getting drunk... This is gonna be a fun night :D

  6. +1
  7. Nice intro dude , im glad u enjoy our servers and forum Hope to see u on battlefield
  8. Marry Christmas to everyone !!!!! Hope everybody has great time
  9. Marry Xmassss
  10. !ban Jesus reson to easy to kill
  11. Hey man , nice intro . I`m glad u like our silent server , i think i played with u yesterday , damn difficult to kill u . Hope u having fun on our silentville Anyway have fun and if u like maybe visit our chat there is always somebody there Nice to meet u and Welcome
  12. LoL just went on my profile 5347 views hahahah how that happend :D

  13. proper guttet i missed an event night again will have to sort it out
  14. we are simply the best :-D thx for the opurtinity to have this brilliant community all the hard work and great atmosphere
  15. Yes Very is was very good considering that u were tapping everythink Good fun
  16. hahahah lol nice question btw, steve night shockwave and fr3ak are probably most skilled in our clan imo , obiusly harry joins the group . Im faaaarrr away from them (give me a pc lol )
  17. GreenMan

    ETpub 1.0.0

    sorry couldnt make it stuck at work hope it all went ok
  18. GreenMan

    ETpub 1.0.0

    ill be there
  19. Common Polska !!!! 1-0 for now

    1. Damien


      1-1... I'm scared about match vs. Russia. They seems to be stronger than Poland.

    2. GreenMan


      russia black horse of turnament :P hope our lads will play better

    3. GreenMan


      they always play better with stronger teams

  20. Yeah man great idea im in 3v3 and 6v6
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