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Everything posted by nini

  1. Yes and it already exists, its a config that you can vote for and it will change the settings of the game to stopwatch mode.
  2. ETL2 server was/is pretty good but some improvements can make it awesome: - Like someone mentioned before, non admins need more voting choices or just the ability to make some changes, personally I don't care about the bots so much but having a command/vote to enable them on and off would be nice. - ETL2 was known to attract higher skill players so there is a need to have a vote to make it have competitive (3v3, 6v6) or just public (regular) mode. This would be good for 2 reasons, it doesn't matter when you are axis or allies because you get your chance right away when playing a map you like to try it both ways with the same team instead of waiting for 10 maps rotation to only change then but not many will wait for that and the teams are not the same anymore. This will also make it a good jumping point for players who were considering trying scrims or pro gathers to get a feel how it would go. (Ignore if this ability is already present). - Also add a vote for picking a map. There is a need sometimes when there is only a few player or even just one or two to not waste our time playing a map we don't like or is just to big for a 1v1. - My last suggestion is maybe the most important that would be a unique experience for the players on this server. Its hard for players to get in numbers here so someone usually needs to sit and wait until people show up, this might take some time (sometimes they wont even come) and even so if there are 2 people playing its still not very fun and you get bored quick. We need a specific map for this "Purefrag" or "Element B4" or something similar which can serve as a lobby where people can join and just start shooting other people or bots doesn't matter just pure target practice, no objective just predator skills where you might get to engage someone better and get better yourself with practice. This is where if a single player joins the command of voting for this map to come up would be crucial to have. Of course spawn times for these kind of maps are very specific to be very short in the range of 2-4 seconds because its meant to be a chaos place to shoot and not be a waiting simulator. Once there is a few people they can just vote on to go and start playing objective maps with competitive or public mode as stated above.
  3. Just check in ET options System -> System sound control if its SDL2 or OpenAL, there was an update about a month ago and I also had some issues with sound after that. When I changed to SDL2 it worked again as intended.
  4. This would be perfect
  5. Hello everyone, an idea occurred to me but its probably not plausible because it requires some effort from the game developers so I'm writing here so they can see it ( if they read the forum ), maybe they will make it happen one day, but also would like to hear other people opinions. Lets just face it there will never be any anti-hax system for this game, so how is everything being handled right now and in the future... Spectating suspicious activity! Then maybe the ideal solution would be to make game demos available to everyone at any time. But... here is where we need the devs, because right now when you record a game you only get a view of a single player that you are spectating which is not so good, ideally would be if there is a way that recorded games can capture all the player's views. Server would just record every game and make it available to download on this site if anyone wants to view. This way there will always be an option for everyone to view any moment and share with others. Also I have noticed there is just too many spectators all the time because they are watching some top player's how they play because they just want to learn or just see their skill in action. If the above suggestion would be possible they wont need to sit in spec mode but play instead. (They can always re-watch the demos later) Also because I know the above suggestion is to much to be implemented any time soon, here is another suggestion ( its still close to impossible but it does not involve the game devs ), from what i could see there is always a couple of bots in spectator mode, can we use this in a way that they can stream their view to twitch or youtube ? Lets say they would always follow the player with the highest rating in the game and broadcast that players game live.. so one bot would stream the top axis player and the other the top allies player. This would maybe raise interest from other people that might want to try the game or just spark interest from old player that have long forgot about this game.
  6. If you are using win10 try the Xbox Game Bar to record your gameplay. Also to eliminate config is the issue just rename the ETLegacy folder in the Documents so it will generate everything new.(Pro Tip: rename it to "ETLegacy2" then after testing delete the new generated one and rename this old one back so everything is back the way it was before). Then try to play with vanilla settings and see if your problem is still there (yes it will be weird for you but see if you still have the main problem)
  7. I've also watched the demos and nothing weird there. My suggestion would be to install OBS Studio and record your gameplay with it along with the replay of ET also. Might give more insight when we see what you are seeing. It might be a hardware issue, failing ssd/hdd, memory etc. Maybe do some scans on those as well.
  8. Agree with this , everything will stay the same just with extra steps, I also use selfkill to refresh ammo or just to avoid long spawn times, also seen people do it lots of time when they are in 1 on 1 in fights against me, I have no issue with this as its the way the game is meant to be played. Its one of the strats you need to learn to become better at the game: spawn time management. If you are bitter about the selfkill then go ahead and add the stat that will give the opposing player a kill and the selfkilled player gets the death (really don't care that much about the 5-6 death/kill you will get , but I do care about the re-spawn times being messed up with this), please don't don't mess with selfkill timing as skilled players will adapt to this but at what cost, you are basically creating a beginner server. In the end players will then just go to campaign server to get the regular ET feel instead. ( Which might not be a bad thing, hmm I will think about this more )
  9. Just a suggestion about map choice that we are given after a map has ended. Not sure if its possible but anyway here is my idea: When there are maps like Gold Rush, Supply , Oasis etc. (popular maps) any other map does not stand a chance of being picked when having these in choice, so I had a thought. What if the maps are sorted in tiers : Tier 1 : most played maps , Tier 2 : average played maps and Tier 3: least played maps. So here is how this would work: After a map has ended we are given a choice only from the Tier1 map pool, once that map is done the next map choices are only maps from Tier2 map pool and once that is done we come to the Tier3 map pool, after that we start from Tier1 again and so on in a loop cycle... In this way we would have tier1 maps ever 3 maps which is I believe pretty good to keep people interested and still get a new map to be tried out. Tier 1 options: - Gold Rush - Siwa Oasis - Supply Depot - Fueldump - Adlernest - ... Tier 2 options: - Italy - Warbell - Riverport - Baserace - Snatch - ... Tier 3 options: - Goldendunk - Raid - Preatoria - Lighthouse - ... Also if a map is picked let say in Tier 3 we just played Goldendunk that map is excluded in the next loop of choice for Tier 3 maps, so Tier 3 options are without Goldendunk for one cycle, that way we don't get to many map repetitions. And even if you want a map to be played frequently lets say Tier 1 map choice is Gold Rush but it can still be picked frequently enough like every 6 maps which is balanced I think. This would be applied to all map tiers. Why am I writing this ?! just one of those days when I had a thought I like to play ET but sometimes these maps are quite old and we all know every corner to them which has its advantages but what if we are missing out on a new map that is just as good but it will never get a chance to be played because nobody will give it a try since nobody likes changes, and once they do try it once they dislike it because they don't know every corner to that map like they do in Supply or any other map they play all the time. But how long can we go with playing same maps all the time... We need some diversity to keep things alive and fresh and the only way to get that is by trying ( or forcing :-) ) new things, new maps, maybe some new map creator will popup and reinvent a new Adlernest or Venice who knows...
  10. I have played on the server and yes it helped a lot, no lags anymore, thank you. And the automatic lvl 4 skill is just a great bonus, good job
  11. Can you just disable the XP-save script, since it doesn't help save the XP anyway but only makes the server lag, atleast until a fix is made , we can live without the xp save, but we cant live with the lag.
  12. https://www.wolffiles.de/index.php?filebase&fid=4899 Fuel dump z2 with bot files , so we can replace the snow with some spring Also can we have the option back to Vote for next map pls ?
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