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Everything posted by RedDwarf

  1. any of the huge maps for this popular server. market garden Xposed Cappuzo final Blackmoon raid Dam Revenge. All have bot waypoints. Not Baserace plz. I understand that it was popular on your etpub server, where is that server now? Seawall Battery is fine with the mapscript. backdoor is dynamitable for allies, access ramp can only be satchel charged by axis cvops 3 times and then axis need to dynamite it. command post spawn for either team is a map winner, buildable access ramp to west MG...works for me.
  2. public server, not a competition server, leave it as it is. noobensteins like me need it too y'know. Just because it is available does not mean you have to use it.
  3. I'll be happy with any new map, but different maps, not every variation of the same map.
  4. MBL_Temple then? Big map for the amount of players we have on the server these days. Tournament Edition maps will be fine for the 3vs3 server.
  5. Can we have Navarone back on the server please
  6. Thanks Ande, The solar panel is 100watt feeding a dual battery solar controller. This charges the starting battery and 2 x 110amp leisure batteries.
  7. pothole lights above each wheel. new 16" steel wheels and BFG all terrain tyres
  8. yup, but he's not been seen since then. Any idea what time of day this was?
  9. if it helps, everyone, including the bots on TM Legacy server starts with lvl 4 everything and zero XP. The server restarts every morning.
  10. Hi LeoF
  11. Niki installed an xpsave lua script on the legacy server, the trouble is it was hit and miss when it worked correctly. The script also had conflicts with other scripts so we decided to disable it. The server has run fine since without it.
  12. happy birthday dude with the unpronounceable name.


    1. PurpleHaze


      as long you don't touch the purplehaze, it's easy to pronounce :lol:

  13. bump navarone and Fuel Dump Z2
  14. ok so this evening, and its still going on at this time of night, Legacy server became unnaturally busy. I can only assume another server is offline or legacy has become popular overnight. Either way, this is not a complaint, just happy to see such activity usually reserved for the weekend. :-)
  15. Where did Navarone go?
  16. Ahaaaa!, that's why I get kicked every day :-) found the reason for spawn times, PAVEL and his voting when he is alone.
  17. Could a server admin please restart the legacy server? The spawn times seem abnormally long for the past 2 days. We voted for public config today hoping that would cure it to no avail. Thankyou in advance
  18. We had a conversation on the server chat about this on Saturday evening. NiNi is a regular player and it is a nice map :-) Can you add this and remove goldrush TE plz.
  19. :-) Gonna change my name to catch him. He disconnects as soon as he sees me join the server
  20. I dont have that admin rank
  21. RedDwarf


    A player has joined the server twice now with a fake name. Yesterday and today. <=TM=>Red(second name here) today it was <=TM=>RedNoob what exactly would you like me to do with him?
  22. 2014 when I bought it. 2016 when it went on the road. total rebuild costing...... daren't add it up.
  23. !listaliases displays every name a player has used
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