Okay i said i wouldn't reply but to this i have to because as player i dislike and it seriously disturbs me to see the lack and laziness of members qualities. The fact that you don't understand what abuse is and how to use commands properly says enough.
An command is considered abused when it's being used for personal pleasure. The commands are implemented to manage and lead the server into good atmosphere. For example in this case the 'put' command is created to put players who are inactive to spectator, or you need to balance teams but use your sense to avoid issues.
By using this command to move yourself to spectator i see no valid reason since you don't manage the server. You are active and able to move yourself to spectator by any other methods than commands. And thus in my opinion this is abuse and not just showoff, it is both and unacceptable.
Again, i am not here to lecture anyone but i have used the put and even putteam, the older version of put, command for many years and never had any issues since the player understood the reason why. It depends how you treat the player, how the server will elapse. It's all within the quality of the member.
If you still think the put command should not be used for balancing teams, consider to train the members how to use commands properly since it's only being abused and rarely used for the purpose it was meant for. Either that or remove it completely but it would be impossible to move AFK players to spectator.
For those who have long toes, i am not here to make you hurt but instead listen carefully to a worried player who would like to see some things change for the sake of a better server. We are all players and like to have an maximum joyful gaming experience.
Watching the players scoreboard is an easy thing to do. You have several moments during the map to check the scoreboard, i give you some examples:
- When you're wounded and waiting for medic or you died and waiting to respawn.
- In an 'safezone'. When you're walking around and no enemy is nearby.
- While falling back and go in cover
- As spectator
And there are more moments during the game that you've time to check the scoreboard. If more TM members would do this, you sure will find out soon enough about the unbalance in teams.
This is something i do frequently but that has become an automatic thing during my development as member to administrator. This is also quality of the member and common duty to do.
This is my opinion.