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  1. Dakudas

    Merry Christmas!

    Ye, Merry Christmas ladies and gentlemans. Best wishes to the New year PS: Nice Christmas tree
  2. Heyo guys. I played like few maps now, and im not sure, if this "update" is what we really want. Firstly I want to report that HP bar doesnt work how he is supposed to work. 50% of HP bars seems like they are empty, although u have 170HPs. So if somebody can fix that, could be fine. Next thing is… Do u guys rly want to play like this? What I noticed, medic has 170HPs with fast reviving, but they cant use medic pacs. The thing is, for example Engys cant use ur medic pacs too, and thats not, how this game logic is supposed to work. Maybe ur trying to help server works how… lets say "cvops players" thinks servers should work, cuz "medics are OP and unbalanced," but its not the right way how to do that imo. But maybe im wrong and u guys thinks its fine like this, just tell me.
  3. Phara, just stop cry about that and learn to play something else than FG. "Medics are OP." Ye, thats probably the reason, why u cant win any single one "face to face" with casual weapons like MP40/Thom, and playing bugged FG, where u can win against someone at least few times, hm? And ye, I tried FG also, and how Kitizen said - . And about this? - Man, just think about that. Isnt it, cuz players mostly playing medics and only one, who is playing FG all the time is YOU? Then maybe blame urself from that, not skilled players with 70kills, cuz there are also players with max 30frags per map, so Thom/MP is absolutely balanced.
  4. Wooha, thank u guys. I didn't expect this.
  5. Welcome to TeamMuppet. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

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