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About cookiemonster

  • Birthday 03/31/1991

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    Football, et, f1, coffee

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  1. That's fine will get the person to pass over the full demo and will post it
  2. So sad you bring a community in to it when I was just showing what was being said and u admitting that u abuse your admin powers do no reason and thank we always been good people the amount of time we helped you out when u have needed it
  3. They are not screenshots they are videos and it show u goldfinger muting clay for 300 I think it was and goldfinger also agreeing he is abusing admin power. And goldfinger asking if u have a problem with him abusing admin rights which it not right at all
  4. Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory_2022.05.10_-_23.25.02.03_Trim.mp4
  5. The other videos for you Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory_2022.05.10_-_23.25.02.03_Trim_2.mp4
  6. This is unfair admin abuse on nitmod beginners for no reason and admin admitting that they are abusing power and another TM player was there not sure if they could of done someing but they never did Wolfenstein_Enemy_Territory_2022.05.10_-_23.23.50.02_Trim.mp4
  7. well just thought i would post a you never know it may or may not come in handy
  8. hey everyone there a new site that getting all files and stuff for et that will be open for everyone to download everything from and put files for the game on there and ect come check it out and lets keep et alive https://wolfdb.de/
  9. so will anything get done about the vote sitution as it not stop is happening all the time
  10. im not sure what can be done but maybe making the vote unavailble might work not sure what would be best here to do
  11. im not sure how close the vote was in the intermission was thro but its like if there map dont get to play the vote for next map if that makes sense
  12. so to night i know me and tm star voted for mia1d and as soon it loads people vote for next map and it happens a lot on server i know he said he would talk to mini but i thought i would do a post as well
  13. is there anything that can be done about when people vote for a map that you want to play then when it loads the map that you want to play others are then voting to next map or whatever cue to they dont like the map or dont know it im not sure how to put it the right way but i think its a bit unfair you play only the maps that they want to if that make sesne not sure if i have put this right at all but tm star might put it a better way than me as we spoke about it on server
  14. what time is the event ? and can always have a think about that @Ctrz never any harm suggesting things
  15. ahh ok thats a bit of a shame but i get it
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